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Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: Re: Menu (Was: Re: Unimplemented AppKit classes)
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2003 13:29:31 +0100

Stefan Urbanek wrote:
> >
> > (IMO) this is how gui customization should be done. -gui should come
> > with _one_ good, consistent interface (based on NeXTSTEP/OPENSTEP), and
> > those who want something to be different load bundles.
> >
> This is what I wanted to know, if there is a interface for custom
> gui parts bundles. Something that on [[NSButton alloc] init] will
> return a buttom from some budnle.

You could do that by calling +poseAsClass: in the bundle's
initialization method (which is supposed to be called early enough to
make this possible).

> There should be bundles for:
> - NSControl subclasses - this is what we can call 'Theme bundle'
> - NSSavePanel and NSOpenPanel - with custom panels, and possibility
> for Workspace based panel that was discussed on irc #gnustep some
> time ago
> - NSMenu (this can cause problems with menu layout and menu items
> - compare NeXT menu and OSX menu)

Well, -gui just loads bundles. It doesn't care what they do (which can
be just about anything). There's nothing to do about design philosophy
issues, though (but you could try to be smart about it, eg. recognize
menu entries by selector and try to rearrange them).

> And there should be some preferences/defaults for those.

Just pick a domain name and use [NSUserDefaults

> With bundle-based gui, gnustep will be more like Lego.

I wouldn't say bundle-based, -gui by itself should always be complete,
but rather bundle-extensible or something.

- Alexander Malmberg

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