From: | David Ayers |
Subject: | Re: Some somewhat cooler thoughts... |
Date: | Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:16:33 +0100 |
User-agent: | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021212 |
Gregory Casamento wrote:
Sorry for budding in again, but if your reference to NSCoding (it would have to be something like GSCoding though.) means, that every class would be responsible for encoding what it *thinks* it needs and that it augments the super classes encoding as NSCoding does, then we would have implement categories to all Foundation and AppKit classes for OS X/4.2 (in cross plattorm bunldes) and every custom class would have to implement this protocol in loadable bundels. These bunldes would then determine which information to encode, and which to leave out. I'm not saying that this is necessarly bad but it would be only *one* way to encode object graphs into the .gsmarkup file format. A Renaissance UI-Editor, on the other hand, may choose to put different information into the .gsmarkup file (not relying on GSCoding) and rely on the Renaissance framework to initialize a fully functional object. In fact the User will have to tell the RUI-Editor which attributes to save and which to leave for the Renaissance library.I partially agree, the problem as I see it, though, is that the two systems (MOSX/OPENSTEP and GNUstep) are incompatible when it comes to encoding *in general*. If we use an open, human readable encoding format in NSCoder, thatmight help in the general case.
Well actually I think everything currently encoded in the .gmodel format is representable in the .gsmarkup format. (Independant of what the rest of the Renaissance-framework currently makes of it, so I agree with Adam that .gmodel becomes obsolete.) That means to say, that the file format already just as easily supports the WYSIWYG paradigma of .nib/.gorm files. The .gsmarkup format merely *allows* (a) additional layout information and (b) the omission of information which can later be enriched the by the parsing mechanism used (Such as Renaissance's autolayout mechanism for example.)This would mean that, since gorm files use the encoding model, that they would become human readable XML files or plists (whichever) and so would anything using a class which uses NSCoder to encode itself.P.S. I think gmodel files are obsolete. So that only leaves gorm and gsmarkup, which is not that bad...I think that gmodel files can still serve as a way of porting apps from OPENSTEP and MOSX which use nib files. But, I also believe that they eventually should go away.
I would even go so far as to say that the .gsmarkup format could be used as generic a portable object archive (well actually it already is.) But to be more concrete, there is nothing stoping us from writing a GDL2-gsmarkup extension library that include an EOGSMarkupArchiver/Unarchiver which would use EOModel information to arichve an enterprise object graph. Of course feeding this file to the current Renaissance library would not be meaningfull (I guess give you the object graph in memory but no UI representation). But my point is that if you compile the this GDL2 extension against an EOF-App (which also implements the clases that are referenced in the .gsmarkup file) the object archive in the .gsmarkup file are fully poratable!
In fact maybe even a DO extension could be made available for plattform inependant interprocess communication.
Therefore it (the .gsmarkup format) can (theoretically) also replace the .gorm format as a plattform independant format., as long as we provide a set of plattform independant bundles, which implement the un/archiving categories. This would be similar to Renaissance but not necessarly Renaisance.
Yet I am fully aware that .gsmarkup files will be very much larger than typed streams and slower in parsing. Both reasons would most likely exclude it as plausible replacement for DO and also justify the existence of typed stream formats like the current .gorm format.
And just to make it explicit, I *do* believe that Gorm.app should continue to create WYSIWYG files and that the RUI-Editor should create autolayout files, but the .gsmarkup format could be shared. I don't know/think that either application would make a good editor for the other "type" of .gsmarkup file. I'll even go further in suggesting that the file extensions could even denote which decoding mechanism a certain file would be intended for. (.gsmlGSCoding, .gsmlRenaissance or even .gsmlGorm) All I'm saying is that that the way the format (or should I say the DTD) is currently defined, makes it an extremely versitile format for plattform independant object graph storage in general.
Cheers, Dave
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