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GScheme is back.

From: Marko Riedel
Subject: GScheme is back.
Date: 07 Jan 2005 23:16:39 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Portable Code)

The following message is a courtesy copy of an article
that has been posted to comp.lang.scheme as well.

Hi folks,

I had stopped working on GScheme quite some time ago. Then I
discovered from web server logs that there still are people out there
who are interested in this software, so I decided on a maintenance
release. The old release didn't even compile anymore.

I compiled and debugged GScheme using the following setup:


Important: older GNUstep installations may need to replace
  #include <GNUstepBase/GSIMap.h>
  #include <base/GSIMap.h>
at the very beginning of SchemeTypes.m.

Tested with SuSE Linux 8.2 and Debian 3.0.

These are the changes

* removed legacy code from the garbage collector, replaced some method
  calls with direct access using @protected on a certain instance
  variable; fixed a really serious leak (GSMutableDictionary objects
  being leaked)
* added a menu item to evaluate external files; this means you can
  edit your files with your favorite editor and evaluate them with the
  click of a button
* the last form that you enter in the interactive window is copied to
  the paste board and may be repeated by pressing Alt-V
* a computation that takes more than five seconds triggers the display
  of a stop button that may be pressed to interrupt the computation;
  the button disappears on its own when the computation ends, and
* changed the environment browser to use NSTableViews; these are more
  appropriate than the NSForms that I had and I find them more
  pleasing aesthetically.

Try modifying primes.scm to use browse-environment and display a
highly instructive environment chain.

The URL is 


Best regards,

Marko Riedel

| Marko Riedel, EDV Neue Arbeit gGmbH, mriedel@neuearbeit.de |
| http://www.geocities.com/markoriedelde/index.html          |

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