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FOSDEM 2005 / GNUstep presence

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: FOSDEM 2005 / GNUstep presence
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 17:31:55 +0000


In less than four weeks we'll have the FOSDEM 2005 event (http://www.fosdem.org) :-)

The GNUstep project and the OpenGroupware.org project share a developer's room, and we'll have some presentations..

You can find the final schedule here: http://www.fosdem.org/2005/index/dev_room_gnustep/schedule

If you can come to Brussel for the FOSDEM, try to make it -- it's really a cool event, and it's also a nice opportunity to meet
other GNUstep developers :-)

See you all soon in Brussels !


Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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