Anyone can contact Kazunobu? My google said he's with QT now?
How about some of us team up for i18n? May be we should start
a wiki page to cover everything about i18n in gnustep. To cover
issues like bidi/vertical typesetters, word segmentation, hyphenation,
input methods. And we can keep discussing on these subjects until
we get what we want. May be we should talk about output (typesetters)
before input?
On 4/12/05, Banlu Kemiyatorn <> wrote:
I don't use any IM but I agree that we should have IM system that
doesn't depend
on windowing system. We discussed iiimf once afaict. Isn't Kuriyama
working on NSInputManager wrapper to kinput2 or something? It would
be great if
someone can work on iiimf too. I was thinking the code should also be
usable with
Cocoa. BTW, iiim-dance-dance-evolution is still in my long and
peaceful todo list.