On 2005-05-10 07:30:34 +0100 Lloyd Dupont <lloyd@nova-mind.com> wrote:
So I kind of heuristically try this GNUmakefile for my library:
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/common.make
ADDITIONAL_OBJCFLAGS += -Wno-import -g -ggdb
ADDITIONAL_OBJC_LIBS += -lxml2 -larchive1 -lgnustep-gui
# include source files list
include codefiles.txt
include $(GNUSTEP_MAKEFILES)/library.make
However when I tryed to compile it (my library), under
GNUstep/Window/MSYS shell, I get this error:
$ make -f NovaMind.make Making all for library NovaMind-ObjC...
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `internal-library-all'. Stop.
make: *** [NovaMind-ObjC.all.library.variables] Error 2
I looked into Instance/library.make
but I was not able to understand what's missing...
any clues?
What is in codefiles.txt?
You need to specify the ObjC file names to be compiled ... I can't see why
you put them in codefiles.txt rather than inline in the makefile. Nothing
in the makefile jumps out at me as a problem, so my guess is that the
problem is in codefiles.txt.
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