On 12-Oct-05, at 3:10 AM, MJ Ray wrote:
That was not the claim. SVN is under a GPL-incompatible licence.
In practical terms, this makes any GPL application linking with
it undistributable, IIRC. So, forget having a slick GPL'd GNUstep
app to manage your archive.
So if you're that annoyed, write a BSD licensed wrapper around the
library, or take the specification for subversion and write your own
library to talk to subversion. However, I don't see any real need to
have to write tools to talk to subversion, so I don't see how this would
be a problem. svn talks to subversion just fine, and you won't be
distributing it, ergo no problem. God this list is terribly bad about
this kind of stuff, it's irritating.