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Re: Proposal: Subversion Migration

From: Alex Perez
Subject: Re: Proposal: Subversion Migration
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 00:14:41 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.6a1 (Windows/20051007)

MJ Ray wrote:
[...] SVN is absolutely reliable and fast [...]
I think you just painted yourself as a SVN fanatic. Why was the
fsfs backend added if SVN is absolutely reliable and fast since
two years ago?
Okay, this sent my bullshitometer sharply into the red. If he had said 
"SVN is[was] absolutely reliable and fast TWO YEARS AGO" then you'd have 
a leg to stand on, but HE DID NOT, and as such, you have nothing to 
stand on, oh paranoid master of useless hyperbole.
I'm getting pretty useless of your bashing anyone who happens to make a 
claim FOR SVN as being a "fanatic" when that's clearly not the case, and 
it frankly only serves to demonstrate to the rest of us who act as sane 
human beings that YOU are the true fanatic among us.

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