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Re: why GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FIL doesn't work?

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: why GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FIL doesn't work?
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2005 07:21:37 +0000

On 2 Dec 2005, at 07:00, Lloyd Dupont wrote:

Trying to understand why GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FILE is ignored and it's always the default value which is used I modified
NMPathUtilities.m:405 (in GNUstepConfig) as follows:
printf("I will get an opportunity\n");
      file = [[[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment]
 objectForKey: @"GNUSTEP_CONFIG_FILE"];
printf("config file is: %s\n", [file cString]);
printf("did I used it?\n");

And the  output was:
I will get an opportunity
did I used it?
Configuration contains unknown keys - (CRASH_ON_ABORT)
I will get an opportunity
did I used it?
(BTW you could see that CRASH_ON_ABORT, in the standart config files, is NOT understood).

It's not legal there. The gnustep-base documentation lists the currently permitted config file settings.

CRASH_ON_ABORT is an environment variable.

So now I wonder how come OPTION_NO_ENVIRONMENT is set in the default build parameters?

Thanks ... bug in configure script.
I fixed that in CVS.

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