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Use GMANE (was: Re: Windows and libraries, again)

From: Alex Perez
Subject: Use GMANE (was: Re: Windows and libraries, again)
Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 19:41:18 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Adam Fedor wrote:
On 2006-02-03 11:32:27 -0700 Björn Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de> wrote:


can somebody who's also on gnustep-dev please tell me if my mails from yesterday (around 9:30pm) got through? I didn't see them yet, and there was something about gnustep-dev being blacklisted a while ago...

I block non-subscribed posters to all the mailing lists, as I get 100's of spam 
mails per week or so.  I only go through them every few days to find legitimate 

Let me take this moment to suggest that anyone here having trouble with mail getting through to gnustep-dev use GMANE instead. It's a very lovely way to keep abreast of the GNUstep mailing lists (and many, many other mailing lists as well)

simply set your newsreader (I use Thunderbird) to news.gmane.org and subscribe to any of the following newsfeeds:

The first time you send a message via GMANE, it sends an e-mail to the address you have configured to use as your from: address in your post, and asks you to verify your e-mail address via a simple reply one time per mailing list that you post to. It never asks you to do so after this.

The mailing list sync-delay to the GMANE lists is vastly exaggerated. It is not very long at all; don't let uninformed individuals claim otherwise.

Alex Perez

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