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Re: additional problem with NSRunLoop on Windows

From: Lloyd Dupont
Subject: Re: additional problem with NSRunLoop on Windows
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 14:06:25 +1000

Well it turns out that calling GSNotifyASAP() works much better than:
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
   runMode: @"NSDefaultRunLoopMode"
   beforeDate: (NSDate*) [NSDate distantPast]]

that is notification: are posted AND I have no undesirable side effects.

And, BTW, there are no portability concern, the application DOES ALREADY run on MacOSX.
My compatibility concern is that it DOES RUN on Windows TOO.

Lloyd Dupont

NovaMind development team
NovaMind Software
Mind Mapping Software
----- Original Message ----- From: "Lloyd Dupont" <lloyd@nova-mind.com>
To: "GNUstep Discussion" <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:53 AM
Subject: additional problem with NSRunLoop on Windows

Im writing a .NET desktop application on Windows.
However I'm using GNUstep to power the data part of my application (which is still evolving on MacOSX).

Recently I had problem with the NSNotificationQueue which needed to be triggered manually and I was advised to use something along this line:

[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
   runMode: @"NSDefaultRunLoopMode"
   beforeDate: (NSDate*) [NSDate distantPast]]

So did I and it fixed the problem I was looking at.

But now my application behave very strangely.
For example if my (GNUstep aware) windows is in the background and I click on it it receive (in this order)
mouse up (first ?!)
mouse down (second ?!)

whereas it should receive (and it does without the NSRunLoop trick):
mouse down
mouse up

I noticed that in some other case GNUstep do some weird thing with my event loop sometimes....

So the questions are:
1. is there a way to fix that? (I think I will revert to my idea of using GSNotifyASAP()) 2. even though I'mnot running a GNUstep app, is ther some method calling the NSRunLoop without me knowing?

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