Hello Richard,
how can I make my app to start automatically and open a
document file when I doubleclick on a file with a specific
extension, e.g. *.project? I have a file CustomInfo.plist in
the project directory and listed all document types.
It should be as simple as installing the app in one of the
standard locations, then running make_services.
I would assume GWorkspace honors the standard mechanism ... but
just in case, you could try using gopen to open the file without
having GWorkspace running/available.
NSWorkspace is supposed to setup a dictionary extPreferences in
+initialize. This is done by reading the file .GNUstepExtPrefs.
However, this file does not exist (is not created by
How is this supposed to work?
That dictionary is supposed to be used to specify user preferences
for which application to use in the case that more than one
application can handle the same type of document. It should be
irrelevant if you haven't set up any preferences.
However, it occurs to me that, if you set up a preference to use
one app, then deleted that app from the system, the code might try
to continue using that app even though it no longer exists ...
that might be worth looking in to.
That's not the case. The preferred dic is nil. I have file Info-
gnustep.plist in my project dir that contains an entry
NSName = "project";
NSHumanReadableName = "project File";
NSUnixExtensions = ("project");
NSDOSExtensions = ("project");
NSRole = Editor;
NSIcon = "projfile.tiff";
After "make install" I checked this file in /opt/GNUstep/System/
Application/.. . and this file does not contains this entry, which
explains why make_services can't know about it. Instead this file
contains an entry
NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";
Who the heck is generating this file based on what data? What am I