I have inserted [NSApp setDelegate: self] to get my class into the action
responder chain and to test the rest of my code. Everything works fine then,
but this is obviously not the right way.
Should the NSPreferencePane class be changed? Or must I send addNextResponder
to some object (which)? Or can I have missed some trivial step?
As I said the panel is finished except of this detail, and I will send in the
code for review (commit if appropriate) as soon as this issue is solved.
code snippet for illustration:
@implementation FontModule : NSPreferencePane
- (void) setButtonAction: (id)sender
NSFontManager *fontMgr=[NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
[fontMgr setSelectedFont: [previewTextField font]isMultiple:NO];
[fontMgr orderFrontFontPanel: self];
- (void) changeFont: (id) sender
NSLog(@"changeFont: entered ..."); /*never reached without the [NSApp
setDelegate: self] hack*/
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