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Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard

From: Stefan Bidigaray
Subject: Re: Objective-C 2.0 and other new features in Leopard
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 15:52:21 -0500

On Nov 11, 2007 1:46 PM, David Chisnall <theraven@sucs.org> wrote:
Note that this is already possible; a packager can always grab
Camaelon from Étoilé and add a Camaelon package to their GNUstep
metapackage, but there is no information on the GNUstep site about
doing this and so most people don't.  There are no screenshots on the
GNUstep site using other themes either and so the fact that GNUstep is
capable of a more modern look is not something that most people are
aware of.

That reminds me of another point worth discussing... the defaults system.  What you're saying here is not simple to do exactly because the user HAS to change the defaults themselves.  Take for example GTK+ settings, all a distribution have to do to get a new look is add the file $SYS_CONFIG_DIR/gtk- 2.0/gtkrc.  If the distributor, for whatever reason, decides to change the standard theme all they have to do is write a new file and replace the old one.  Under GNUstep, on the other hand, there's no way around the fact that GNUstep doesn't offer a global configuration file.  If a distributor wants a default set of settings, they have to come up with a way to write defaults to every user, while at the same time making sure they don't override the user's own defaults.  In my opinion, someone should be able to at least set NSGlobalDomain setting under a global file.

I brought this up almost a year ago, and remember that the issue was that NSUserDefaults wasn't set up to have more than 1 file and so would need to be rewritten.  Since then, I've tried playing with it (seeing as I have to come up with something for my ScreenSaverDefaults class) and I'm trying to understand if better so that I can do something about this.

Anyway, just a thought on that (I'm just full of incoherent thoughts).

As for the slogan, why can't we use the existing one?  Yes, I found out we already have one:
GNUstep - The Ultimate Development Environment ( http://www.gnustep.org/information/GNUstep-brochure.pdf)
Saying we're the best never goes out of style... :)


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