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Re: GNUstep slogan - discussion and voting

From: Daniel Santos
Subject: Re: GNUstep slogan - discussion and voting
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 11:28:19 +0000
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)

Now I get it. The slogan is to attract developers. But developers usually aren't attracted by short vague sentences, that make them invest their precious time and effort on something they haven't investigated properly. When you choose a technology to implement something, you check first if it can do the job for you.

But anyway, take a look at this one :

GNUStep - object oriented portability

Daniel Santos

Nicolas Roard wrote:
On Nov 12, 2007 12:13 AM, Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
<lars.sonchocky-helldorf@hamburg.de> wrote:
GNUstep - Not your father's Cocoa!

GNUstep - The greatest API you've never heard of!
nice, I like the humor in it. But will a great API alone make
developers consider GNUstep?

I like both, probably with a preference to the 2nd as I'm not so keen
as selling gnustep as a cocoa clone..

GNUstep - code intelligently
better than my original proposal, second choice to me

GNUstep - code less, deploy everywhere
[X] my favorite, short and to the point. It lines out what we are (a
framework/environment for development), it sums up the main
advantages (code less, cross platform capability)

GNUstep - code smartly
same as code intelligently

No, I think it's better than code intelligently as there's also the
"dressed smartly" which is the case with GNUstep, isn't it ?

GNUstep - make your users smile today
nice and positive, but you still get no idea what GNUstep is about
(WindowMaker - make your users smile today would also work for

nice, but.. not really informative.

GNUstep - write once deploy everywhere
that one is also not bad but it misses to point out that GNUstep
saves you a lot of time and code (which you don't need to write)

yeah, and it's close to the java slogan... possibly  a bad association :D

my order would be (in descending order):
GNUstep - code smartly
GNUstep - The greatest API you've never heard of!
GNUstep - code less, deploy everywhere
GNUstep - code intelligently

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