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Re: application not quitting

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: application not quitting
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 19:20:46 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080922)

Gregory Weston wrote:
> In article <mailman.1052.1224018351.25473.discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>,
>  Marko Riedel <markoriedelde@yahoo.de> wrote:
>> the environment is KDE 3.5 (sorry, I had no choice in the matter), but the 
>> same problem occurs with WindowMaker. The application is not document-based 
>> and does have an application delegate and applicationShouldTerminate: is 
>> invoked. As I did not subclass NSApplication I don't know whether 
>> replyToApplicationShouldTerminate: gets called (this is not a delegate 
>> method 
>> according to developer.apple.com).
> Correct; it's not a delegate method. It's a message that's sent to the 
> NSApplication instance at some point after the delegate's 
> applicationShouldTerminate: returns NSTerminateLater. It's a way to 
> conditionalize termination on uncached things like user input. You 
> really shouldn't need to send this message if applicationShouldTerminate 
> returns any other defined value.

All of this is true, but this method
(replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:) gets also called internally from
terminate:. What I was interesting in would be to find out how far this
methods gets progressed. This could be checked by adding a few NSLog()
statements and recompiling gui. I know this is asking much, but I am not
able to reproduce this behaviour here and so I need to get more
information from a machine where it actually fails.

Adding something like
NSLog(@"replyToApplicationShouldTerminate: called with %d isrunning %d",
shouldTerminate, _app_is_running);

as the first line and then ever other line something like
NSLog(@"replyToApplicationShouldTerminate: now at line %d", __LINE__);

This could provide the needed information and help solve the mysterious


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