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Re: Problem with ProjectCenter and GORM

From: Wolfgang Lux
Subject: Re: Problem with ProjectCenter and GORM
Date: Fri, 19 Dec 2008 14:59:46 +0100

Germán Arias wrote:

Hi, I have installed PC 0.5.0 and GORM 1.2.6. In project center sometimes (strange) when I want write code, instead write the letters one option is selected on the ProjectCenters's menu. In GORM the same problem is frequently in the Inspector, when I want change the size of one component, instead write the new size the Inspector change. For example if I write 1 the Inspector select the option Attributes. Other problem is with the menus's name. In the Inspector, any change in the name don't work. Of course I can change the name in AppController.m. But if I write a large name or a name with spaces, the new width of the menu is wrong.

From your problem description it looks like the modifier keys are not
interpreted correctly. Do you have all six modifier settings defined
or are some of them unset? If you are unsure, run
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSFirstControlKey
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSFirstAlternateKey
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSFirstCommandKey
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSSecondControlKey
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSSecondAlternateKey
  defaults read NSGlobalDomain GSSecondCommandKey
in a terminal or use the Modifier Keys pane of SystemPreferences.app.
I think your problem should go away if all of these defaults are set.


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