From: andy.s <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 10:25:53 AM
Subject: Re: GNUstep and Theming...
OK, perhaps SWT was a bad example, as SWT does in fact use native widgets.
I have not looked at the Gnome theming engine, but I have looked at the
Windows theming engine docs a little, and essentially how it works is you
have pixmap, give it to the theming engine, tell it to draw a button, edit
box, etc... to it. Then you are free to display the pixmap yourself. I'm
assuming (perhaps naively) that Gnome works similarly.
Didn't RedHat develop some code that allows Gnome and KDE to use the same
theme? or did they just create a set of matching themes for both?
I was not aware that GNUStep is fully thread safe. In Cocoa, you typically
have to send the performSelectorOnMainThread message from background threads
or else issues crop up.
Gregory John Casamento wrote:
> Andy,
> Having worked with SWT... from experience I can say the following
> things...
> SWT is not extensible, you cannot subclass any class in SWT. That's
> because all classes have to be final since they wrap the existing toolkit
> widgets. In SWT the native widget gets instantiated by the java instance
> and the native widget handles all of the events and drawing. Therefore,
> no subclassing is even possible. How can you override something when the
> internals are being handled by something external to the object which was
> instantiated (as is the case with SWT)?
> SWT is also *strictly* (I could say vehemently) single threaded...
> AppKit/gnustep-gui is not. Adopting an SWT-like architecture for
> gnustep-gui would:
> 1) Reduce flexibility and
> 2) Reduce functionality
> Neither of which is acceptable at all.
> The best we can do is the same that either one of GNOME or KDE
do and that
> is to provide themes that match the other very closely. Using native
> widgets is out of the question in most cases.
> The only way I see using native widgets working is if the target
> environment provides a way to draw the widgets outside of instantiating
> the widget it self. That is to say... If we could use a function to draw
> a GNOME button, but then GNUstep would handle the events coming from that
> button.... that would be ideal.
> Thanks, GC
> Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc
> # GNUstep Chief Maintainer
> ________________________________
> From: andy.s <>
> To:> Sent: Wednesday, January 7, 2009 8:42:18 AM
> Subject: Re: GNUstep and Theming...
> What about using the theming engine / api from Gnome and / or KDE?
> This would allow GNUStep applications to match the current look and feel
> of
> Gnome.
> Note, I have not really looked at the Gnome theming engine, but I believe
> this is what SWT and some other toolkits use to match the Gnome look and
> feel.
> --
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