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[ANN] FísicaLab 0.1 released

From: Germán Arias
Subject: [ANN] FísicaLab 0.1 released
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 12:38:12 -0600

Hello, I have released the first version of Físicalab. This app is in
English an Spanish (including the help files). Unfortunately, after
three days, the website at GNA don't work. When the website work, I will
post this app at Wiki and software index. 

Here the app info:  


FísicaLab is an educational application to solve physics problems. Is
made with GNUstep and use the GSL libraries (GNU Scientific Library).
The problems are setting adding elements from the palette to chalkboard,
and writing the data of each element. The elements are objects as
Blocks, Pulleys, Mobiles, Forces, ... . Use the SI and English systems,
scientific notation and many conversion factors. The problems that can
be solved with FísicaLab 0.1, are:

- Kinematics of particles (doesn't include circular motion).
- Static of particles in 2D.
- Dynamic of particles in 2D (doesn't include dynamic of circular

The static and dynamic problems are entered constructing the free body
diagrams of the objects. Although FísicaLab is easy and intuitive, we
recommend you read the help files first before set any problem. You can
access these files in the option menu Info -> Help.


To compile the application you need the following libraries and its

- GSL libraries version 1.10 or further.
- GNUstep libraries: gnustep-make 2.0.7 or further; gnustep-base 1.18.0
or further; gnustep-gui 0.16.0 or further; gnustep-back 0.16.0 or
further (or gnustep-startup 0.22.0 or further). 

Get FísicaLab

First release is available at:


(The code isn't available to SVN. Maybe I will move the project to
another host, if this don't work in next days. But, I'm not sure)


Thanks for all your help answering my questions.  

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