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Re: NSSplitView - how to programmatically resize the subviews?

From: Wolfgang Lux
Subject: Re: NSSplitView - how to programmatically resize the subviews?
Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 17:07:29 +0200

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

at is exactly what the current code is thought for. But at least on 10.5 it did not (yet). Subviews are evenly split (e.g. 50%, 50%). Maybe, I have
made some mistake so I will try to look again in that direction...

Below is a small method that resizes all subviews of a split view such that
they have (up to rounding errors) the same height. Works for me on 10.5.


- (void)spaceEvenly:(NSSplitView *)splitView
    // get the subviews of the split view
    NSArray *subviews = [splitView subviews];
    unsigned int n = [subviews count];

    // compute the new height of each subview
    float divider = [splitView dividerThickness];
float height = ([splitView bounds].size.height - (n - 1) * divider) / n;

    // adjust the frames of all subviews
    float y = 0;
    NSView *subview;
    NSEnumerator *e = [subviews objectEnumerator];
    while ((subview = [e nextObject]) != nil)
        NSRect frame = [subview frame];
        frame.origin.y = rintf(y);
        frame.size.height = rintf(y + height) - frame.origin.y;
        [subview setFrame:frame];
        y += height + divider;

    // have the AppKit redraw the dividers
    [splitView adjustSubviews];

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