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Re: Window managers ( was Re: newbie question )

From: Omniscient
Subject: Re: Window managers ( was Re: newbie question )
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2009 21:25:52 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Apr 23, 5:25 am, Pete French <p...@twisted.org.uk> wrote:

> Once upon a time I remember someone extracting the guts of a window
> manager into a bundle so that any app could act as one. What became
> of that idea ? It would be very nice indeed if Gworkspace could

I think that one was libWMCore, the project was suspended and may be
I won't have time to finish it. Rather for being attached to a
particular app,
it was designed to be a part of a display system called 'Shadow' which
was designed to be the core of a planned desktop environment.
Its design would allow passing PS ops/ns events/basic multimedia/etc
over network
and can goes into off-line mode if the client was terminated, then
allow new client to
bring back the session w/o actually terminate all running apps on the
server side.
All those projects was suspended. May be after finishing this 3D
and modeler I'm working on or whenever I think that we already have
serious apps, I'll look back at building a desktop environment again.

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