I have a framework that depends on a library. This frameworks is needed by a bundle that is loaded dynamically into our application. When I start the application and load the bundle I get
2009-05-28 17:02:30.854 SOObjectBrowser[3299] bundlePath /Library/SmartObjects/Bundles/SOFrontBaseBundle.bundle
2009-05-28 17:02:30.862 SOObjectBrowser[3299] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Library/SmartObjects/Bundles/SOFrontBaseBundle.bundle/SOFrontBaseBundle for bundle /Library/SmartObjects/Bundles/SOFrontBaseBundle.bundle, error code 0 (link edit error code 0, error number 2 (dyld: /Applications/SOObjectBrowser.app/SOObjectBrowser can't open library: libFBCAccess.dylib.1 (No such file or directory, errno = 2)
libFBCAccess is the library. OK, obviously I built a dynamic library.
[jupiter:/Library/FrontBase/lib] root# ls /Library/Libraries/
libFBCAccess.dylib libFBCAccess.dylib.1 libFBCAccess.dylib.1.0.0
The GNUmakefile for this library looks as follows: