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Re: How to compile backend xlib based on debian lenny's gnustep-gui

From: Zhang Weiwu
Subject: Re: How to compile backend xlib based on debian lenny's gnustep-gui
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 08:59:15 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Fred Kiefer wrote:
> What you are missing is the shared memory extension for your X server.
> What is strange is that we try to detect this during the configure
> phase. Perhaps we aren't checking that configure flag in all places the
> need to do so. The one I could find where this isn't done was
> back/Source/x11/XWindowBuffer.m and as far as I remember the xlib
> backend isn't using this file. But it gets compile and loaded anyway,
> perhaps we should change that.
Would be great to remove reference to shared memory extension, because
it ease the difficulty a newbie needs to work on.
> But then if you had any other backend for GNUstep running before, this
> will have required the same dependency. And you surely will get a lot of
> warnings during compilation.
No, I didn't install any other backends before I try to compile back-xlib
> For now you will have to install XShm, on my sytem (SuSE 11.1) it is
> packaged up in libXext and you will have to install the developer
> package of that package as well, to get the compilation going.
Sure I try it later. Thanks.

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