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Setting locale

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Setting locale
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2009 15:12:05 +0200

Hi all,

number fomatting occurs according to decimalSeparator and thounsandSeparator and those are somehow derived from a locale. However, how can I set this locale for a given user? I have one account on a Soalris machine, where "," is used as a decimalSeparator. My old GNUstep tree seems to have a bug here, since after comma digits are ofter ommitted I will look into that soon. However, for now I simply want to configure this user back to the default ("." as decialSeparator) which works fine. But I can't figure out how to do that.

I checked

        defaults read NSGlobalDomain

but found no obvious setting for the locale (number formatting). How is this supposed to be configured on a GNUstep system?

Thanks a lot,


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