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Re: help to execute GORM ubuntu 10.04 32bits

From: Sergey Golovin
Subject: Re: help to execute GORM ubuntu 10.04 32bits
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2010 08:36:45 +0400

2010/7/21 Eduardo Osorio Armenta <eduardo.osorio.armenta@gmail.com>
i'm getting this when executing as mortal user:

You can avoid slowness of this time zone detecting approach
by setting the environment variable TZ='Mexico/General'
Or You can override the timezone name by setting the 'Local Time Zone'
NSUserDefault via the 'defaults' command line utility, a Preferences
application, or some other utility.
eg "defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'Local Time Zone' 'Mexico/General'"

You should set your timezone environment either by your system tools or
by taking the suggested measures.
Or don't bother about slowness of applications(tools) starts :-) .

The mainly source of this warnings is the laxity of your timezone abbreviation
which can point to the number of timezones.

Sergey Golovin

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