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Re: Windows Drag & Drop

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Windows Drag & Drop
Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 21:53:14 +0200


you may want to try dragging and dropping from GWorkspace into your application, under Windows and Linux. Also try the code under Mac OS X.  This will help you figure out where the problem actually lies. It might be your incorrect implementation of the drag and drop code (in which case it won't work anywhere), it might be slightly incorrect GNUstep assumptions (in which case your code that works on OS X won't work on Linux and Windows) and finally, which I think is most probable, if dragging and dropping from GWorkspace to GNUstep app works, then GNUstep under Windows might not support dragging from Explorer into the app.

On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 23:59, Daniel Boyd <daniel@boydemail.com> wrote:
I'm having trouble to get drag & drop to work on my windows machine.
I'm kind of new to GNUStep, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something
wrong, or if what I'm doing isn't supported.

I want to be able to drag a file from Windows Explorer into an NSBox object.

I ran this code on the box:

[myBox registerForDraggedTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
NSFileNamesPboardType, nil]];

And, then I subclassed NSBox and implemented draggingEntered,
draggingExited, draggingEnded, prepareForDragOperation (which always
returns YES) and performDragOperation

But, when I try to drag a file from Windows Explorer, the mouse cursor
becomes a circle with a line through it and it won't let me drop.

As far as I can tell, none of the functions in my NSBox subclass are
being called.

Is this functionality just not supported in GNUStep/Windows or am I
doing something wrong?

Thanks for the help!

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Ivan Vučica
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