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Re: Testers wanted for MPDCon and Zipper

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: Testers wanted for MPDCon and Zipper
Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2012 12:49:00 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2012-02-22 02:21:06 -0600 "Sebastian Reitenbach" 
<sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> wrote:

> On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 06:10 CET, Germán Arias <german@xelalug.org> 
> wrote:
>> On 2012-02-17 14:26:53 -0600 "Sebastian Reitenbach" 
>> <sebastia@l00-bugdead-prods.de> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> > GAP is proud to announce its two new applications in its collection: > 
>>> MPDCon > and Zipper.
>>> OK, they are not new, but their original authors stopped working on > them 
>>> long > years ago, but after contacting them,
>>> they are happy with us giving them a new home on GAP, and continuing > 
>>> development.
>>> > MPDCon is a Music Player Daemon client, for more information, and the > 
>>> changes > that happend on GAP in the
>>> last couple of days, take a look here:
>>> http://gap.nongnu.org/mpdcon/index.html
>>> > Zipper is a tool for inspecting and extracting the contents of > 
>>> compressed > archives, for more information, and the changed that happend 
>>> on GAP > in the > last couple of days take a look here:
>>> http://gap.nongnu.org/zipper/index.html
>>> The support for BSD tar is known to be broken, so you need GNU tar, > and 
>>> the > default open application (View menu entry) is known to not to work, 
>>> > we'll > probably keep a solution for that for a next release.
>>> Interesting here is whether it works with all the different versions > of 
>>> the > command line (un)archivers out there.
>> I'm testing with current gnustep in SVN. With Zipper I have these
>> problems:
>> * If you open the preferences panel and then close it, Zipper crash.
> OK, I get that too, looking into it.
>> * I can't open rar archives. I get the error:
>>     NSRangeException: Range location + length too grat.
> Zipper should look for unrar. I guess you have a different version. What 
> version do you have?
> When you run it on the command line, how does it look like:
> unrar v-c- <rar archive>
> Sebastian

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