However, looks like an XPath query called on an NSXMLNode still doesn't
return results as under OS X. That is, having called:
NSArray *opmlNodes = [self nodesForXPath:@"./opml" error:nil];
[self setOpmlRoot:[opmlNodes objectAtIndex:0]];
with self being a subclass of NSXMLDocument, and thus getting the root
node, the following call does not return the<body/> subnode of the<opml/>
root node, instead returning an array with zero entries:
bodyNodes = [_opmlRoot nodesForXPath:@"./body" error:nil];
Looking at execute_xpath() in NSXMLNode.m, I must admit I have no idea what
may be going wrong.
If anyone wants to debug using my code, feel free to focus on the following
files that actually deal with the data model: