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Re: Chameleon - UIKit for Mac development

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Chameleon - UIKit for Mac development
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2012 22:56:35 +0200

On 13. 6. 2012., at 20:54, Nicholas Levin wrote:
> I did take a look at OpalText about a month ago. Several significant bits are 
> still stubbed out, and the rest references NSFont. Still has some ways to go.
> If nobody picks it up in about two months, I could see if I could try to do 
> something with it using FreeType 2.
> I have enough Core Text war stories under my belt that I think I could do it 
> some justice. : ) Some parts of that API make me long for the days of ATSUI.

There's a class called OPFreeTypeFont that inherits from Opal's replica of 
NSFont. Unfortunately I don't see it does any painting.

Having solid implementations of CG, CT and CA will do wonders for GNUstep.  So, 
I'll do my best with CA :-)

Ivan Vučica
ivan@vucica.net - http://ivan.vucica.net/

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