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Pixen 0.1 Compiles OK (lot of warnings of course) Starts Up and Immediat

From: Citizen Jimserac
Subject: Pixen 0.1 Compiles OK (lot of warnings of course) Starts Up and Immediately Crashes
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2013 15:50:09 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Fairly recent GNUstep running on Fedora Core 17.

Here is what happens on startup:

[jimserac@localhost Pixen.app]$ ./Pixen

Unable to create time zone for name: 'America/New York'
(source '/etc/sysconfig/clock file').

You can override the timezone name by setting the 'Local Time Zone'
NSUserDefault via the 'defaults' command line utility, a Preferences
application, or some other utility.
eg "defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'Local Time Zone' 'Africa/Nairobi'"
See '(null)'
for the standard timezones such as 'GB-Eire' or 'America/Chicago'.
2013-01-21 23:41:03.336 Pixen[14434] Using time zone with absolute
offset 0.
2013-01-21 23:41:03.326 Pixen[14434] File NSBundle.m: 2315. In -
[NSBundle localizedStringForKey:value:table:] Localisation file /home/
Localizable.strings not in portable encoding so I'm using the default
encoding for the current system, which may not display messages
The file should be ASCII (using \U escapes for unicode characters) or
Unicode (UTF16 or UTF8) with a leading byte-order-marker.

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Before I start debugging, does anything obvious standout regarding the
error message ?   I had to comment out message/NSMailDelivery.h in
UKFeedbackProvider.m since I don't have that include.

What is good debugger to use for debugging GNUStep app?

Am using Xemacs 21.5 beta 31 "ginger".for editor,   Works quite nicely


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