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GNUmakefile CXX flags ignored

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: GNUmakefile CXX flags ignored
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:34:06 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:22.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/22.0 SeaMonkey/2.19


I'm struggling with a PDFKit's makefile system, especialy the brige makefile, which is done as following (.in file), some excerpts, you can see the whole file inside GAP.


xpdfbridge_CFLAGS = \
        -I.. \
        -I../$(XPDF_SRC) \
        -I../$(XPDF_SRC)/xpdf \
        -I../$(XPDF_SRC)/splash \
        -I../$(XPDF_SRC)/goo \
        -I../$(XPDF_SRC)/fofi \

xpdfbridge_CXXFLAGS = -Wno-write-strings

then it defines the source files as:

xpdfbridge_OBJC_FILES = \
        Locking.m       \
        DPS.m           \

xpdfbridge_CC_FILES = \

where are actually OBJC_FILES and CC_FILES defined? I checked GNU make's doc without success.

Anyway, what happens is that the CC file is compiled using CLFAGS and not the CXXFLAGS.

I am investigating because a broader problem is that PDFKit compiles but does't work (it shows blank pages, even if in the correct number) when compiled with clang, but works with GCC. I noticed that I had to add


At top so that actually my CXX env. variable was used else, a mix of clang++ and g++ was used, adding confusion probably.

Yet first... the question about CC_FILES anf CXX_FLAGS. CXX_FLAGS should be used automatically for C++.


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