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BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILES problem keeping subdirectories

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: BUNDLE_RESOURCE_FILES problem keeping subdirectories
Date: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:32:59 +0200
User-agent: SOGoMail 2.0.7

I played a bit with Germans silver theme, in order to 
get it installing properly into the system Themes directory.

I added the following to the GNUmakefile:

$(BUNDLE_NAME)_RESOURCE_FILES = Resources/Silver.tiff \
                                $(wildcard Resources/*.clr) \
                                $(wildcard Resources/ThemeImages/*.tiff) \
                                $(wildcard Resources/ThemeTiles/*.tiff)

It picks up all the files from the Resources directory, and also
from its subdirectories, but it places everything plain into
the Resources directory in the installation path. 

i.e. Resources/ThemImages/blah.tiff goes into
instead of the wanted

is there an easy way to keep the directory structure for the resources
without overriding the install target or adding a post-install target?


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