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Re: GWorkspace Segfault

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: GWorkspace Segfault
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:09:57 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; NetBSD i386; rv:17.0) Gecko/20131010 Thunderbird/17.0.9

Hi Edwin.

from the stacktrace you provided, teh relevant part is this:

#0  -[NSString(NSStringDrawing) boundingRectWithSize:options:attributes:] (self=0xb7fdfad8 
<.objc_str476>, _cmd=0xb7e0d040 <.objc_selector_list+240>,
    size=..., options=NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin, attrs=0x8a723c8) 
at NSStringDrawing.m:683
#1  0xb7b7430e in -[NSString(NSStringDrawing) sizeWithAttributes:] (self=0xb7fdfad8 
<.objc_str476>, _cmd=0xb7fdfb80 <.objc_selector_list+144>,
    attrs=0x8a723c8) at NSStringDrawing.m:673
#2  0xb7f6824f in +[FSNBrowserCell initialize] (self=0xb7fdfa40 
<_OBJC_CLASS_FSNBrowserCell>, _cmd=0x8223d40) at FSNBrowserCell.m:87

I'm unsure what is happening here. Either fontAttr is returning soemthing  null 
and you are on a platform where getting .width out of null generates a 
stacktrace, but that would be typical of sparc, not x86.

The second question is however how that could  happen.

      fontAttr = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSFont systemFontOfSize: 
                                             forKey: NSFontAttributeName];

Should always return soemthing meaningful, I suppose? It's asking for the size 
12 system font, something extremely standard!

Could you put a breakpoint there and print fontAttr?

Then it does:

dtslenght = [dots sizeWithAttributes: fontAttr].width;

where dots is a:
static NSString *dots = @"...";

which looks quite reasonable for me. A static string, no fancy characters.


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