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Re: memory leak - cairo/x11 backend

From: Germán Arias
Subject: Re: memory leak - cairo/x11 backend
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 12:01:48 -0600
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.0)

On 2013-12-15 05:47:23 -0600 Riccardo Mottola <riccardo.mottola@libero.it> 

> Hi,
> testing stuff before "release" as Fred asked gets me to this (I think this 
> problem has been around since a while, it just happened that yesterday I 
> stressed everything with very big files). A couple of weeks ago I had my 
> image viewer crash under OpenBSD on an older Laptop, but I didn't consider 
> that back then.
> 1) Use current LaternaMagica
> 2) load very big images (e.g.30/40 MPixels) and view them back and forth
> 3) check memory
> What you will notice is that while LaternaMagica stays about constant in 
> memory requirements, the memory allocated to Xorg grows and grows (I got it 
> here in the 1-2G range, on older system it crashes).
> I suppose we cache our images in the X server and do not release them well, 
> in this case they are very big and it becomes apparent.
> If LM is closed regulary, most of the Xorg RAM will be freed again.
> I don't know where the fault is, but I suppose it shouldn't be in 
> LaternaMagica itself, since I the application ram doesn't increase much.
> I tried to do the same on my Mac and everything works fine, further 
> supporting that it is not LM itself.
> I will try with xlib and art backends.
> Riccardo

A couple of days ago, testing fisicalab, I get this warning:

FisicaLab[3532] WARNING ... there are 1000 timers scheduled in mode
ModalPanelMode of <NSRunLoop: 0x82758d0>

I can't reproduce this, but seems important.


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