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Fwd: jail sockstat shows gdnc, gdomap, casperd as enabled

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Fwd: jail sockstat shows gdnc, gdomap, casperd as enabled
Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2014 12:01:16 +0100

Forwarding this from the freebsd-current list:

Begin forwarded message:

> I had installed mail/gnumail for testing and figuring out whether I wanted
> to use the thing. It had some GUI display + flickering problems, so I never
> really got around to trying it. This program however, had installed a whole
> slew of GNUstep-* ports - I decided to just get rid of the damned thing and
> removed all those dependent binaries. The problem cleared up on host and in
> the jails.
> It seems GNUstep took the liberty of starting up as several threads on host
> as well, and I assume it probably has a "listen on all IPs" sort of like
> ntpd does.
> A caveat for future testers of mail/gnumail: It's a nasty little SOB!

The original complaint was that GNUstep applications start gdnc and gdomap, 
which by default bind to a public IP.  This is almost certainly not a sane 
default anymore, as very few users actually want to use gdnc / gdomap over the 
network.  It would probably be better if we checked for a user default setting 
and only enabled the network mode if the user has explicitly asked for it.


-- Sent from my Cray X1

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