On January 21, 2017 12:22:55 AM GMT+00:00, Jamie Ramone <sancombru@gmail.com> wrote:
How do u mean, using one of those *:: targets (like after-all::), or
are u talking about another means? I wouldn't have a problem with that
but PC f@*#ing does whatever it wants to the make files. I'm beginning
to manage to coax it into doing what I want by poking around in the
.PC files. I'll give it a try.
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 7:40 PM, Ivan Vučica <ivan@vucica.net> wrote:
I don't know the capabilities of ProjectCenter, but if you use makefiles
directly, it could be rather easy to copy the bundle in "manually".
On Fri, Jan 20, 2017, 21:50 Jamie Ramone <sancombru@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi steppers, me again. So here's the deal: I built a modular
application thru the use of bundles and the app searches several paths
obtained from the domains upon start up, and can manually add them
later on if a valid bundle is dropped on the app (not implemented yet
tho). Any way, the thing is some modules are meant to be included
inside the app's bundle, but I can't find a way to get the bundles
included there upon building the app in ProjectCenter. Can this be
done at all? I mean in an automated way, other than manually copying
the module bundle into the app bundle itself. Thanx!
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