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Re: Crash occurs when catching std::exception in Objective-C++ code comp

From: Lobron, David
Subject: Re: Crash occurs when catching std::exception in Objective-C++ code compiled with clang on Linux and using libobjc2
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2017 15:46:37 +0000

>> checking for objc_setUncaughtExceptionHandler() in runtime... no
>> Does this mean that libobjc2 does not support the uncaught exception handler 
>> code?  I'm wondering if this is a clue as to why my code crashes, whereas 
>> the libobjc2 tests are OK.
> Okay, that probably accounts for the issues that you’re seeing.  I don’t 
> really understand the GNUstep-base build system, but it looks as if it’s 
> picking up the gcc runtime (do you have that installed somehow?  If so, 
> please delete it!) and falling back to using setjmp/longjmp exceptions.

Thank you for the help, David.  Yes, I do indeed have the gcc runtime installed:

(ALSI8)dlobron@bos-lps80:/usr/lib/gcc/i686-linux-gnu/4.8$ ls libobjc*
libobjc.a  libobjc_gc.a  libobjc_gc.so  libobjc.so

Unfortunately, it's pre-installed on the machines where I have to do my build, 
and I can't remove it.  I will see if I can find a way to tell gnustep-base to 
use libobjc2 and ignore the gcc runtime.


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