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From: Sergii Stoian
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 11:20:31 +0200

On Wed, Nov 29, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Matt Rice <ratmice@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 3:07 PM, Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Matt Rice <ratmice@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Cool project, was curious if you had/were planning on implementing the
>> right click behavior where
>> instead of bringing up the windowmaker vertical menu, right click on
>> the root window brings up the
>> main menu of the currently active application.  Given the
>> workspace/shelf the windowmaker menu
>> seems a bit superfluous
> Yes, something like what you've described. I want to get rid of
> WindowMaker's menus and panels as much as I it's possible to leave essential
> functionality.
> To reach this goal I need to implement Dock settings in Workspace
> preferences and Preferences where it will be appropriate.
>> I had a fork of aewm with click to focus + this, let me know if you
>> would like me to try and find it.
>> though I seem to recall everything including gnustep would pretty much
>> freak out when they receive
>> events that are outside of any window,
>> Anyhow let me know, perhaps it is less entrenched than trying to
>> experiment with such things in windowmaker (or maybe not).
> Actually it's quite simple to switch off root menu and show Workspace's
> menu. It's possible because WindowMaker is just another thread of Workspace
> application.

My main issue with this is that e.g. consider the user who selects some text,
then right clicks and edit -> copy,
if we're showing the workspace menu, this is going to copy the
selected file in the workspace,
rather than the selected text in the active application.

Hmm. What does such action supposed to do? Pasting text onto workspace background? Pasting text into active application? Why if you've clicked on workspace background?
> I've never thought or try to show active application's menu with
> right-clicking on desktop. Is it intuitive or comfortable from user
> experience point of view? Current design of GNUstep applications let user
> bring app menu by right-clicking inside any of the app's windows. I think
> it's quite logical to bring Workspace app menu right-clicking on desktop
> background (anyway it's managed by Workspace). What do you think?

IMO yes having the active app's main menu is intuitive and comfortable,
But i am biased, having the main menu available everywhere without
having to move the mouse ever is

I couldn't find a good example of this, and was having trouble
recalling the behavior when you right clicked on e.g. the dock
miniwindows, the title bar, inactive windows.

so here is a short video... https://youtu.be/1_glOOYIGlc

Excellent example. Could you please add issue into NEXTSPACE page on github so we can continue to discuss it without bothering community?
>> On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 2:35 PM, Sergii Stoian <stoyan255@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > More than 15 years ago I joined the GNUstep development because I like
>> > NeXT's OS design, look and feel. At that time my dream was to return
>> > NeXTSTEP desktop to Linux. After 15+ years my dream still alive. I
>> > understand that GNUstep project goals somewhat changed over these years.
>> > And
>> > this is good until project is interesting to broad kind (goals, tastes)
>> > of
>> > people involved in it's development.
>> >
>> > Finally I've decided to inform dear community about my project of last
>> > 2+
>> > years.
>> > I've named is NEXTSPACE. It is SPACE for NeXT applications.
>> > You can find code and brief description of project here
>> > https://github.com/trunkmaster/nextspace.
>> > It is not finished yet. However I use it as my desktop environment on
>> > daily
>> > basis.
>> > You can find RPMs in Packages directory:
>> > * libdispatch and libobjc2
>> > * nextspace-core - system specific files: skeleton for user home
>> > firectory,
>> > shell profile, udev, polkit, etc.
>> > * nextspace-gnustep - GNUstep libraries with my patches.
>> > The next step is to build Frameworks, then Appplications. You can create
>> > new
>> > user with all needed files inside it's home dir. You can start Login
>> > with
>> > command 'systemctl start loginwindow' or login to newly created user
>> > from
>> > your login application (it should start ~/.xinitrc in user home dir).
>> > That's
>> > it.
>> >
>> > Some noticeable achievements I've got:
>> > * I integrated Workspace and WindowMaker into Workspace Manager. That's
>> > it -
>> > one application. It was made possible by using libdispatch and libobjc2.
>> > For
>> > example, when non-GNUstep application starts Workspace's Processess
>> > panel
>> > shows it with info grabbed from WindowMaker. Another example: when you
>> > start
>> > application by double-clicking in File Viewer and appicon already exists
>> > in
>> > Dock icon fly from FileViewer's to docked appicon.
>> > * In general Workspace is ready to be NSWorkspace povider.
>> > * GNUstep and WindowMaker unified look and feel (menus and titlebars,
>> > fonts,
>> > miniwindows).
>> > * Media management: Workpace automatically mounts removable media
>> > inserted
>> > (UDisks integration).
>> > * Terminal: a lot of improvements. It's better to see it.
>> > * -NXAutoLaunch option implemented. Now applications started with this
>> > option doesn't show menu at all. No focus flickering. Smooth as it
>> > should
>> > be.
>> > * Preferences: everything you need to set up must be here. Not only
>> > GNUstep
>> > NSGlobalDomain options (localization, fonts) but system specific options
>> > also (display, keyboard, mouse, sound, networking).
>> > * A lot of other things I can't recall now but I write it down someday.
>> > ;)
>> >
>> > There are some facts I don't like and want to change:
>> > * NEXTSPACE is based on quite outdated release of GNUstep (base 1.24.8,
>> > gui
>> > and back 0.24.1);
>> > * It is based on ART backend. I want to use Cairo backend but ART has
>> > usefull features (.nfont packages provide ability to set hinting and
>> > antialiasing options on per font basis).
>> > * DE needs documentation. I plan to discuss NSHelpPanel implementation
>> > with
>> > you guys. First of all we need to define format for help files.
>> > * It is developed and tested on CentOS 7. I have no plans in near future
>> > to
>> > port it somewhere else. I need to finish what I've started first.
>> >
>> > PS: My apologies to community for being off the track so long. Now you
>> > know
>> > why.
>> > My current strategy is the following:
>> > 1. Finish NEXTSPACE to be feature rich, stable and fast. I guess this
>> > step
>> > will be done until next summer.
>> > 2. Return to development of ProjectCenter. First of all PC badly needs
>> > good
>> > editor, then GORM interoperation and next debugger.
>> > I hope my work will be useful not only for me but for GNUstep project
>> > also.
>> >
>> > --
>> > Sergii Stoian, ProjectCenter maintainer
>> >
>> > _______________________________________________
>> > Discuss-gnustep mailing list
>> > Discuss-gnustep@gnu.org
>> > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss-gnustep
>> >
> --
> Sergii Stoian, ProjectCenter maintainer

Sergii Stoian, ProjectCenter maintainer

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