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Re: Properties and objc1

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: Properties and objc1
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2018 14:15:39 +0100

On 17 Aug 2018, at 11:06, Bertrand Dekoninck <bertrand.dekoninck@gmail.com> 
> I'm enjoying my summertime to do some gnustep stuff. I want to convert the 
> rik.theme to objc1 because I can't have libobjc2 running on my ppc computers.

A couple of things about this:

1. I think that libobjc2 should work on PowerPC, only without support for the 
assembly paths.  You won’t be able to use objc_msgSend (and the compiler will 
use the slower message sending mechanism) or imp_implementationWithBlock, but 
everything else should work.

2. If libobjc2 doesn’t work, you don’t actually need it to be able to use 
declared properties.  Clang (and, I think, gcc 4.6ish or later) will generate 
calls to runtime functions.  These are supported in either a vaguely recent GCC 
runtime or by the ObjectiveC2 compatibility framework that GNUstep builds as 
part of Foundation.


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