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Re: Bad icons on the GWorkspace dock

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: Bad icons on the GWorkspace dock
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2020 17:52:49 +0200
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Patrick Cardona via Discussion list for the GNUstep programming environment wrote:
Well, Affiche.app seems to not declare an author... Orphan project ?
The same for AClock.app.

Yes, Affiche is a little bit orphan, I fear.. I don't know if it has a repository.

AClock is "salvaged" in GAP and currently on life support.
It has full authors list and for me says last release 0.5.0 and 2019.

So I ask it to all of us...
When I launch Affiche.app, the icon is good in the docked icon in the left bottom (obviously WMaker docked icon) and also in the menu, at the left upper side, but not in the GWorkspace dock, neither within the Applications folder, where this is the generic GNUstep icon (yin and yang) which is shown...

AClock for me has no icon at all, you see when you launch it. It only has the "running clock" which is unfortunately not displayed.
It should have an Icon and in that case you should see it.
In the InfoPanel what do you see?

It is the same behaviour with AClock.app.

Also, I wonder why AClock does not dock the running Clock like do some dockable apps within Wmaker dock. Is this a limitation of the GWorkspace dock ?

Yes, unfortunately it is a limitation of the GWorkspace dock, there is no way to retrive the icon. I do not like it... I'd love if there was some kind of extension, some kind of way to show in the doc the same AppIcon

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