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Re:Object creation error

From: bellabs
Subject: Re:Object creation error
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 12:08:17 +0800 (CST)

Sorry!Just posted the wrong code, I now post the code in the linux environment can run normally.
But the problem is still the same on windows.

int main() {
printf("Hi Jack, No hijack.\n"); // ok
printf("bla ... blala ... .\n"); // ok
NSString *greeting = @"Good luck."; // ok
NSLog(@"greeting is %@", greeting); // ok
//! None of the following codes will be executed.
//! Nothing only, Nothing out, Nothing error generate also.
NSObject *obj = [[NSObject alloc]init];
NSArray *justSaySay = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
@"there's NOBODY know CHINA than me",
@"there's NOBODY know AMERICAN than me",
@"there's ANYBODY know GNUSTEP than me",
NSLog(@"the justSaySay have items: %@", justSaySay);
printf("Bye Bye\n");
return 0;

/* Cosole Out
Hi Jack, No hijack.
bla ... blala ... .
2023-07-01 11:32:24.233 abc[4304:5808] greeting is Good luck.

At 2023-07-01 11:53:29, "bellabs" <bellabs@163.com> wrote:

I'll talk about the problem directly with the following code.
first all, I'm on or using:
clang version 16.0.0
10.0.19044 x86_64
clang-cl -I C:\GNUstep\x64\Debug\include -fobjc-runtime=gnustep-2.0 -Xclang -fexceptions -Xclang -fobjc-exceptions -fblocks -DGNUSTEP -DGNUSTEP_WITH_DLL -DGNUSTEP_RUNTIME=1 -D_NONFRAGILE_ABI=1 -D_NATIVE_OBJC_EXCEPTIONS /MDd /c test.m
clang-cl test.obj gnustep-base.lib objc.lib dispatch.lib /MDd -o test.exe /link /LIBPATH:C:\GNUstep\x64\Debug\lib

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface SuperMan : NSObject

- (void)sayHello;


@implementation SuperMan

- (void)sayHello {

NSLog(@"EARTH I coming");



int main() {

printf("Hi Jack, No hijack.\n"); // ok

printf("bla ... blala ... .\n"); // ok

NSString *greeting = @"Good luck."; // ok

NSLog(@"greeting is %@", greeting); // ok

//! None of the following codes will be executed.

//! Nothing only, Nothing out, Nothing error generate also.

NSObject *obj = [[NSObject alloc]init];

NSArray *justSaySay = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:

@"there's NOBODY know CHINA than me",

@"there's NOBODY know AMERICAN than me",

@"there's ANYBODY know GNUSTEP than me"


NSLog(@"the justSaySay have items: %@", justSaySay);

printf("Bye Bye");


return 0;


/* Cosole Out

Hi Jack, No hijack.

bla ... blala ... .

2023-07-01 11:32:24.233 abc[4304:5808] greeting is Good luck.


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