/* * debugger.c - debugger support for execution engine. * * Copyright (C) 2006 Southern Storm Software, Pty Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include "il_sysio.h" #include "il_engine.h" #include "il_debug.h" #include "il_dumpasm.h" #include "cvm.h" #include "engine.h" #include "debugger.h" #include "../ildasm/ildasm_internal.h" #ifdef IL_USE_JIT #include "jitc.h" #endif #define MAX_ARG_COUNT 3 char *args[MAX_ARG_COUNT]; /* Arguments for current command */ int argCount; //ILDebugger *debugger;// = &debuger_instance; /* * Lock the debugger object. */ #define LockDebugger(debugger) ILMutexLock(debugger->lock); //fprintf(stderr, "locking debugger\n"); /* * Unlock the debugger object. */ #define UnlockDebugger(debugger) ILMutexUnlock(debugger->lock); //fprintf(stderr, "unlocking debugger\n"); /* * Forward declarations. */ static void CommandLoop(ILDebugger *debugger); static void Help(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream); /* * Print out of memory memory and exit program. */ static void ILDbOutOfMemory() { fputs("il_debugger: virtual memory exhausted\n", stderr); exit(1); } /* * Print fatal error to stderr and exit program. */ static void FatalError(const char *message) { fputs("il_debugger: fatal error:", stderr); fputs(message, stderr); putc('\n', stderr); exit(1); } /* * Open stream for writing and reading text. Return 0 on failure. */ static FILE *OpenStream() { #ifdef HAVE_OPEN_MEMSTREAM char *text; size_t size; return open_memstream(&text, &size); #else return tmpfile(); #endif } /* * Return contents of stream from start to current position * as text allocated with ILMalloc(). Return 0 on error. */ static char *ReadStream(FILE *stream) { int len; char *result; len = (int) ftell(stream); result = (char *) ILMalloc(len); if(result == 0) { return 0; } fseek(stream, 0, SEEK_SET); fread((void *) result, 1, len, stream); return result; } /* * Open socket IO. * TODO: only supported connection string is tcp://localhost:4571 */ static int SocketIO_Open(ILDebuggerIO *io, const char *connectionString) { ILSysIOHandle sockfd; int port = 4571; /* * Create socket descriptor * adress family = 2 (IL_AF_INET, AddressFamily.InterNetwork * socket type = 1 (IL_SOCK_STREAM, SocketType.Stream) * protocol type = 6 (ProtocolType.Tcp) */ sockfd = ILSysIOSocket(2, 1, 6); if(sockfd == ILSysIOHandle_Invalid) { perror("il_debugger: socket creation failed"); return 0; } /* Convert the end point into a sockaddr buffer like in CombinedToSerialized() in socket.c */ unsigned char addr[16]; addr[0] = 2; /* address family - AF_INET */ addr[1] = 0; addr[2] = (unsigned char)(port >> 8); /* port */ addr[3] = (unsigned char)port; addr[4] = 127; /* end point */ addr[5] = 0; addr[6] = 0; addr[7] = 1; addr[8] = addr[9] = addr[10] = addr[11] = addr[12] = addr[13] = addr[14] = addr[15] = 0; /* Connect, this connects socket for ipv4. TODO: we should do it more correctly (see Socket.cs Connect()) */ if(!ILSysIOSocketConnect(sockfd, addr, 16)) { perror("il_debugger: connect to socket failed\n"); return 0; } /* Setup io struct */ io->sockfd = sockfd; io->input = OpenStream(); if(io->input == 0) { perror("il_debugger: failed to open input stream"); return 0; } io->output = OpenStream(); if(io->input == 0) { perror("il_debugger: failed to open output stream"); return 0; } return 1; } /* * Close socket IO. */ static void SocketIO_Close(ILDebuggerIO *io) { ILSysIOSocketClose(io->sockfd); } /* * Recieve input data to input stream using socket IO. */ static int SocketIO_Recieve(ILDebuggerIO *io) { static char buffer[128]; int len; /* Rewind input stream */ fseek(io->input, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Read data from socket and write to the input stream */ do { len = ILSysIOSocketReceive(io->sockfd, (void *)buffer, 128, 0); if(len < 0) { perror("il_debugger: recieve failed"); return 0; } fwrite(buffer, 1, len, io->input); } while(len == 128); /* whole buffer filled, so more data are available */ putc(0, io->input); //fprintf(stderr, "recv -->%s<-- recv\n", ReadStream(io->input)); return 1; } /* * Send data in output stream using socket IO. */ static int SocketIO_Send(ILDebuggerIO *io) { int len; int count; static char buffer[1024]; /* Terminate output with 0 */ putc(0, io->output); /* Remeber output length */ len = (int) ftell(io->output); /* Rewind output stream */ fseek(io->output, 0, SEEK_SET); /* Read data from output stream and send them to socket */ do { if(len > 1024) { count = 1024; } else { count = len; } if(fread((void *)buffer, 1, count, io->output) != count) { perror("il_debugger: send failed"); return 0; } if(ILSysIOSocketSend(io->sockfd, buffer, count, 0) < 0) { perror("il_debugger: send failed"); return 0; } len -= 1024; } while(len > 0); /* Rewind output stream for next command */ fseek(io->output, 0, SEEK_SET); return 1; } /* * Check if we are watching given image. */ static int IsImageWatched(ILAssemblyWatch *watch, ILImage *image) { if(watch == 0) { return 1; /* watch all assemblies by default */ } while(watch) { if(watch->image == image) { return 1; } watch = watch->next; } return 0; } /* * Check whether method is in assembly that we watch. */ static int IsMethodImageWatched(ILAssemblyWatch *watch, ILMethod *method) { return IsImageWatched(watch, ILClassToImage(ILMethod_Owner(method))); } /* * Get method's location. */ const char * GetLocation(ILMethod *method, ILInt32 offset, ILUInt32 *line, ILUInt32 *col) { ILDebugContext *dbgc; const char *result; /* Dump empty location if the method's image does not have any debug information */ if(ILDebugPresent(ILProgramItem_Image(method))) { /* Get the symbol debug information */ if((dbgc = ILDebugCreate(ILProgramItem_Image(method))) == 0) { ILDbOutOfMemory(); } result = ILDebugGetLineInfo(dbgc, ILMethod_Token(method), (ILUInt32)offset, line, col); ILDebugDestroy(dbgc); if(result) { /* Everything ok */ return result; } } /* No debug info available */ *line = 0; *col = 0; return 0; } /* * Dump a string, with XML quoting. */ static void DumpString(const char *str, FILE *stream) { int ch; if(!str) { return; } while((ch = *str++) != '\0') { if(ch == '<') { fputs("<", stream); } else if(ch == '>') { fputs(">", stream); } else if(ch == '&') { fputs("&", stream); } else if(ch == '"') { fputs(""", stream); } else if(ch == '\'') { fputs("'", stream); } else { putc(ch, stream); } } } /* * Indent a line by a specific amount. */ static void Indent(FILE *stream, int indent) { static char const spaces[] = " "; while(indent >= 16) { fwrite(spaces, 1, 16, stream); indent -= 16; } if(indent > 0) { fwrite(spaces, 1, indent, stream); } } /* * Dump error message to outgoing buffer. */ static void DumpError(const char *message, FILE *stream) { fputs("", stream); fputs(message, stream); fputs("", stream); } /* * Dump message to outgoing buffer. */ static void DumpMessage(const char *message, FILE *stream) { fputs("", stream); fputs(message, stream); fputs("", stream); } /* * Dump current location. If debug info not available, dump empty location. */ void DumpLocation(FILE *stream, const char *sourceFile, ILUInt32 line, ILUInt32 col, int indent) { Indent(stream, indent); fprintf(stream, "\n", stream); } /* * Dump a class name to a stream. */ static void DumpClassName(FILE *stream, ILClass *classInfo) { const char *name = ILClass_Name(classInfo); const char *namespace = ILClass_Namespace(classInfo); if(namespace) { DumpString(namespace, stream); putc('.', stream); } DumpString(name, stream); } /* * Generate documentation for a specific method definition. */ static void DumpMethod(FILE *stream, ILMethod *method, int indent) { ILType *signature; int isConstructor; int line; int col; const char *sourceFile; /* Bail out on null */ if(!method) { return; } /* Output the member header */ Indent(stream, indent); fputs("\n", stream); /* Is this method a constructor? */ isConstructor = (!strcmp(ILMethod_Name(method), ".ctor") || !strcmp(ILMethod_Name(method), ".cctor")); /* Output the signature in ILASM form */ Indent(stream, indent + 2); fputs("\n", stream); /* Output the member kind */ Indent(stream, indent + 2); if(isConstructor) { fputs("Constructor\n", stream); } else { fputs("Method\n", stream); } /* Output members location */ sourceFile = GetLocation(method, 0, &line, &col); if(sourceFile) { DumpLocation(stream, sourceFile, line, col, indent + 2); } Indent(stream, indent); fputs("\n", stream); } /* * Dump position of execution. */ void DumpExecPosition(FILE *stream, ILMethod *method, ILUInt32 offset, const char *sourceFile, ILUInt32 line, ILUInt32 col, int indent) { Indent(stream, indent); fprintf(stream, "\n", offset); DumpMethod(stream, method, indent + 2); DumpLocation(stream, sourceFile, line, col, indent + 2); Indent(stream, indent); fputs("", stream); } /* * Dump breakpoint. */ void DumpBreakpoint(FILE *stream, ILBreakpoint *breakpoint, int indent) { Indent(stream, indent); fprintf(stream, "\n", breakpoint->id); DumpExecPosition(stream, breakpoint->method, breakpoint->offset, breakpoint->sourceFile, breakpoint->line, breakpoint->col, indent + 2); Indent(stream, indent); fputs("\n", stream); } /* * Create new ILDebuggerThreadInfo. */ ILDebuggerThreadInfo *ILDebuggerThreadInfo_Create() { ILDebuggerThreadInfo *result; result = (ILDebuggerThreadInfo *) ILMalloc(sizeof(ILDebuggerThreadInfo)); if(result == 0) { ILDbOutOfMemory(); } memset(result, 0, sizeof(ILDebuggerThreadInfo)); result->runType = IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED; return result; } /* * Free thread info list. */ void ILDebuggerThreadInfo_Destroy(ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info) { ILDebuggerThreadInfo *next; while(info) { next = info->next; ILFree(info); info = next; } } /* * Get debugger info associated with given exec thread. * If not found return free info. */ ILDebuggerThreadInfo *GetDbThreadInfo(ILDebugger *debugger, ILExecThread *thread) { ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info; /* Search for existing info */ info = debugger->dbthread; do { if(info->execThread == thread) { return info; } info = info->next; } while(info); /* Search for free slot */ info = debugger->dbthread; for(;;) { if(info->runType == IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_CONTINUE) { return info; } if(info->next == 0) { /* Append new info to the end of list */ info->next = ILDebuggerThreadInfo_Create(); info->next->id = info->id + 1; return info->next; } info = info->next; } } /* * Update info about state of execution thread. * This function is called to remeber current method and offset when breakpoint is reached. */ static void UpdateDbThreadInfo(ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info, void *userData, ILExecThread *thread, ILMethod *method, ILInt32 offset, int type, const char *sourceFile, ILUInt32 line, ILUInt32 col) { info->userData = userData; info->execThread = thread; info->method = method; info->offset = offset; info->type = type; info->sourceFile = sourceFile; info->line = line; info->col = col; } /* * Create new breakpoint. */ ILBreakpoint *ILBreakpoint_Create() { ILBreakpoint *result; result = (ILBreakpoint *) ILMalloc(sizeof(ILBreakpoint)); if(result == 0) { ILDbOutOfMemory(); } memset(result, 0, sizeof(ILBreakpoint)); return result; } /* * Free breakpoint list. */ void DebuggerBreakpoint_Destroy(ILBreakpoint *breakpoint) { ILBreakpoint *next; while(breakpoint) { next = breakpoint->next; ILFree(breakpoint); breakpoint = next; } } /* * Get breakpoint in given method and given offset interval. * If not found return free breakpoint. */ ILBreakpoint *GetBreakpoint(ILDebugger *debugger, ILMethod *method, ILUInt32 offset) { ILBreakpoint *breakpoint; /* Search for existing breakpoint */ breakpoint = debugger->breakpoint; do { if(breakpoint->method == method && breakpoint->offset == offset) { return breakpoint; } breakpoint = breakpoint->next; } while(breakpoint); /* Search for free slot */ breakpoint = debugger->breakpoint; for(;;) { if(breakpoint->method == 0) { return breakpoint; } if(breakpoint->next == 0) { /* Append new breakpoint to the end of the list */ breakpoint->next = ILBreakpoint_Create(); breakpoint->next->id = breakpoint->id + 1; return breakpoint->next; } breakpoint = breakpoint->next; } } /* * watch_all command. */ void WatchAll(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 1); DumpMessage("watching all now", stream); } /* * unwatch_all command. */ void UnwatchAll(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 0); DumpMessage("watch all canceled", stream); } /* * Find method for given source file and line. */ ILMethod *FindMethodByLocation(ILDebugger *debugger, const char *sourceFile, ILUInt32 reqLine, ILUInt32 *outLine, ILUInt32 *outCol, ILUInt32 *outOffset, const char **outFile) { ILContext *context; ILImage *image; ILDebugContext *dbgc = 0; ILMethod *method; const char *filename; ILUInt32 line; ILUInt32 col; ILUInt32 offset; ILInt32 delta; ILInt32 bestDelta; ILUInt32 bestOffset; ILUInt32 bestLine; ILUInt32 bestCol; ILMethod *bestMethod; ILMethodCode methodCode; /* Initialize searching */ bestDelta = IL_MAX_INT32; bestOffset = 0; bestMethod = 0; bestLine = 0; bestCol = 0; /* Iterate all images */ context = ILExecProcessGetContext(debugger->process); image = 0; while((image = ILContextNextImage(context, image)) != 0) { /* Get debug context for image */ if(!ILDebugPresent(image)) { continue; } if((dbgc = ILDebugCreate(image)) == 0) { continue; } /* Iterate all methods */ method = 0; while((method = (ILMethod *)ILImageNextToken (image, IL_META_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF, (void *)method)) != 0) { /* Get method start location (offset 0) */ filename = ILDebugGetLineInfo(dbgc, ILMethod_Token(method), 0, &line, &col); /* Check if filename is what we are looking for */ if(!filename || ILStrICmp(filename, sourceFile) != 0) { continue; } //fprintf(stderr, "filename=%s method=%s reqLine=%d line=%d\n", filename, ILMethod_Name(method), reqLine, line); /* Find best matching offset in method */ if(ILMethodGetCode(method, &methodCode)) { for(offset = 0; offset < methodCode.codeLen; offset++) { if(!ILDebugGetLineInfo(dbgc, ILMethod_Token(method), offset, &line, &col)) { break; } delta = abs(reqLine - line); if(delta >= bestDelta) { continue; } /* Update the best debug info */ //fprintf(stderr, "offset=%d line=%d delta=%d\n", offset, line, delta); bestMethod = method; bestDelta = delta; bestOffset = offset; bestLine = line; bestCol = col; *outFile = filename; } } } } /* No method found in given source file */ if(bestMethod == 0) { return 0; } /* Fill output info and return method */ *outLine = bestLine; *outCol = bestCol; *outOffset = bestOffset; return bestMethod; } /* * Insert, remove or toggle breakpoint. Actions 0, 1, 2 */ void HandleBreakpointCommand(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream, int command) { ILUInt32 reqLine; ILMethod *method; ILUInt32 offset; ILUInt32 line; ILUInt32 col; const char *sourceFile; ILBreakpoint *breakpoint; /* Validate and parse arguments */ if(argCount < 2) { DumpError("Parameter missing", stream); return; } reqLine = atoi(args[1]); /* Find method for given source file and line */ method = FindMethodByLocation(debugger, args[0], reqLine, &line, &col, &offset, &sourceFile); if(!method) { DumpError("Location not found, wrong params or debug info missing.", stream); return; } /* Get breakpoint info - empty or existing */ breakpoint = GetBreakpoint(debugger, method, offset); if(breakpoint->method) { /* Breakpoint exists */ if(command == 0) { /* On insert */ DumpError("breakpoint already exists", stream); } else { /* On remove or toggle */ DumpBreakpoint(stream, breakpoint, 2); breakpoint->method = 0; ILExecProcessUnwatchMethod(debugger->process, method); DumpMessage("removed", stream); } } else { /* Breakpoint does not exist */ if(command == 1) { /* On remove */ DumpError("Breakpoint not found", stream); } else { /* On insert or toggle - set watch on method */ ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, method); /* Fill info */ breakpoint->method = method; breakpoint->offset = offset; breakpoint->sourceFile = sourceFile; breakpoint->line = line; breakpoint->col = col; /* Dump breakpoint - it's usefull because location may not be exactly the the same as user wanted */ DumpBreakpoint(stream, breakpoint, 2); DumpMessage("inserted", stream); } } } /* * insert_breakpoint command. */ void InsertBreakpoint(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { HandleBreakpointCommand(debugger, stream, 0); } /* * remove_breakpoint command. * TODO: remove breakpoint by id */ void RemoveBreakpoint(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { HandleBreakpointCommand(debugger, stream, 1); } /* * toggle_breakpoint command. */ void ToggleBreakpoint(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { HandleBreakpointCommand(debugger, stream, 2); } /* * break command. */ void Break(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { /* Watch all and set stop flag */ ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 1); debugger->breakAll = 1; } /* * show_locals command. */ void ShowLocals(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { CVMWord *p; ILExecThread *thread = debugger->dbthread->execThread; fputs("\n",stream); for(p = thread->frame; p < thread->stackTop; p++) { fprintf(stream, " \n", p->intValue); } fputs("",stream); } /* * Update location in current thread. * Line and sourceFile are set to 0 if no debug info available. */ void UpdateLocation(ILDebugger *debugger) { debugger->dbthread->sourceFile = GetLocation(debugger->dbthread->method, debugger->dbthread->offset, &(debugger->dbthread->line), &(debugger->dbthread->col)); } /* * Dump current location. If debug info not available, dump empty location. */ void DumpCurrentLocation(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream, int indent) { /* Update location in current thread info */ UpdateLocation(debugger); DumpLocation(stream, debugger->dbthread->sourceFile, debugger->dbthread->line, debugger->dbthread->col, indent); } /* * show_position command. */ void ShowPosition(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { UpdateLocation(debugger); DumpExecPosition(stream, debugger->dbthread->method, debugger->dbthread->offset, debugger->dbthread->sourceFile, debugger->dbthread->line, debugger->dbthread->col, 0); } /* * stack_trace command. */ void ShowStackTrace(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILCallFrame *frame; fputs("\n", stream); frame = _ILGetCallFrame(debugger->dbthread->execThread, 0); while(frame != 0) { DumpMethod(stream, frame->method, 2); frame = _ILGetNextCallFrame(debugger->dbthread->execThread, frame); } DumpMethod(stream, debugger->dbthread->method, 2); fputs("", stream); } /* * p command (print some info). */ void DumpInfo(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { //fputs("Stack dump:\n", stream); //DumpStack(stream); //GetLocation(stream); ILCoderGetCacheSize(debugger->process->coder); } /* * Find method by name and optionally className (null can be passed if not specified). * Return 0 if not found. */ ILMethod * FindMethod(ILDebugger *debugger, char *methodName, char *className) { ILContext *context; ILImage *image; ILMethod *method; ILClass *classInfo; context = ILExecProcessGetContext(debugger->process); image = 0; while((image = ILContextNextImage(context, image)) != 0) { /* Check if class name is specified */ if(className) { /* Scan the TypeDef table and convert each top-level type that we find */ classInfo = 0; while((classInfo = (ILClass *)ILImageNextToken (image, IL_META_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF, classInfo)) != 0) { /*fputs(ILClass_Name(classInfo), stderr); putc('\n', stderr);*/ if(strcmp(ILClass_Name(classInfo), args[1]) == 0) { if((method = (ILMethod *)ILClassNextMemberMatch(classInfo, (ILMember *)0, IL_META_MEMBERKIND_METHOD, args[0], 0))) { return method; } } } } else { /* Scan the entire MethodDef table */ method = 0; while((method = (ILMethod *)ILImageNextToken (image, IL_META_TOKEN_METHOD_DEF, (void *)method)) != 0) { /*fputs(ILMethod_Name(method), stderr); putc('\n', stderr);*/ if(strcmp(ILMethod_Name(method), args[0]) == 0) { return method; } } } } return 0; } /* * watch_method command. TODO: user should be able to specify member signature */ void WatchMethod(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILMethod *method; if(argCount < 1) { DumpError("Parameter missing", stream); return; } /* Find method specified by arguments */ if(argCount == 1) { method = FindMethod(debugger, args[0], 0); } else { method = FindMethod(debugger, args[0], args[1]); } if(method == 0) { DumpError("method not found", stream); return; } ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, method); DumpMessage("ok\n", stream); } /* * unwatch_method command (set breakpoint) TODO: user should be able to specify member signature */ void UnwatchMethod(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILMethod *method; if(argCount < 1) { DumpError("Parameter missing", stream); return; } /* Find method specified by arguments */ if(argCount == 1) { method = FindMethod(debugger, args[0], 0); } else { method = FindMethod(debugger, args[0], args[1]); } if(method == 0) { DumpError("method not found", stream); return; } ILExecProcessUnwatchMethod(debugger->process, method); DumpMessage("ok\n", stream); } /* * wa command (watch assembly) */ void WatchAssembly(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILContext *context; ILImage *image; ILAssemblyWatch *watch; int found = 0; if(argCount < 1) { DumpError("Parameter missing", stream); return; } /* Search for image with given assembly name */ context = ILExecProcessGetContext(debugger->process); image = 0; while((image = ILContextNextImage(context, image)) != 0) { if(strcmp(ILImageGetAssemblyName(image), args[0]) == 0) { found = 1; break; } } if(!found) { DumpError("assembly not found", stream); return; } /* Search the watch list for the image */ watch = debugger->assemblyWatches; while(watch != 0) { if(watch->image == image) { ++(watch->count); return; } watch = watch->next; } /* Add the image to the watch list in the thread safe way */ if((watch = (ILAssemblyWatch *)ILMalloc(sizeof(ILAssemblyWatch))) == 0) { DumpError("out of memory", stream); return; } watch->image = image; watch->count = 1; watch->next = debugger->assemblyWatches; debugger->assemblyWatches = watch; DumpMessage("ok", stream); } /* * suspend_all command. */ void SuspendAll(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILExecThread *thread = debugger->process->firstThread; while(thread) { _ILExecThreadSuspendThread(thread, thread->supportThread); thread = thread->nextThread; } /* Report ok and continue execution */ DumpMessage("ok", stream); } void ResumeAll(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILExecThread *thread = debugger->process->firstThread; while(thread) { _ILExecThreadResumeThread(thread, thread->supportThread); thread = thread->nextThread; } /* Report ok and continue execution */ DumpMessage("ok", stream); } /* * show_threads command. */ void ShowThreads(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info; fputs("\n", stream); info = debugger->dbthread; while(info) { if(info->runType != IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED) { continue; } Indent(stream, 2); fprintf(stream, "\n", info->id, info->execThread, info->runType, info == debugger->dbthread); info = info->next; } fputs("", stream); } /* * show_breakpoints command. */ void ShowBreakpoints(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILBreakpoint *breakpoint; fputs("\n", stream); breakpoint = debugger->breakpoint; while(breakpoint) { /* Skip removed breakpoints */ if(breakpoint->method == 0) { continue; } /* Dump the breakpoint and move to next */ DumpBreakpoint(stream, breakpoint, 2); breakpoint = breakpoint->next; } fputs("", stream); } static unsigned long StringHashFunc(const void *elem) { return ILHashString(0, ((const char *)(elem)), -1); } static int StringMatchFunc(const void *elem, const void *key) { return !strcmp(((const char *)(elem)), (const char *)key); } static void StringFreeFunc(void *elem) { /* Nothing to do here */ } /* * Return directory where image was linked. */ static const char * GetLinkDir(ILImage *image) { ILDebugContext *dbgc; ILToken token; ILDebugIter iter; ILMetaDataRead reader; const char *result = 0; /* Dump empty location if the method's image does not have any debug information */ if(ILDebugPresent(image)) { /* Get the symbol debug information */ if((dbgc = ILDebugCreate(image)) == 0) { ILDbOutOfMemory(); } token = ILDebugGetPseudo("LDIR"); ILDebugIterInit(&iter, dbgc, token); if(ILDebugIterNext(&iter)) { /* Read the LDIR string */ reader.data = iter.data; reader.len = iter.length; reader.error = 0; result = ILDebugGetString(dbgc, ILMetaUncompressData(&reader)); if(reader.error) { result = 0; } } ILDebugDestroy(dbgc); } return result; } /* * show_libraries command - dumps also members - it's not currently needed. */ void ShowLibraries(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILContext *context; ILImage *image; const char *linkDir; ILMember *member; ILClass *classInfo; ILHashTable *table; ILHashIter iter; int line; int col; const char *sourceFile; int error = 0; int dumpMembers; /* Check if we should also dump members */ if(argCount > 0 && args[0][0] == '1') { dumpMembers = 1; } else { dumpMembers = 0; } /* Create source file hashtable */ table = ILHashCreate(0, StringHashFunc, StringHashFunc, StringMatchFunc, StringFreeFunc); if(table == 0) { DumpError("Out of memory", stream); return; } /* Dump xml header */ fputs("\n", stream); /* Iterate all images */ context = ILExecProcessGetContext(debugger->process); image = 0; while((image = ILContextNextImage(context, image)) != 0) { /* Skip assemblies that are not watched */ if(!IsImageWatched(debugger->assemblyWatches, image)) { continue; } /* Dump image xml header */ fputs(" \n", stream); /* Scan the TypeDef table and convert each top-level type that we find */ classInfo = 0; while((classInfo = (ILClass *)ILImageNextToken (image, IL_META_TOKEN_TYPE_DEF, classInfo)) != 0) { if(dumpMembers) { Indent(stream, 4); fputs("\n", stream); Indent(stream, 6); fputs("\n", stream); } member = 0; while((member = ILClassNextMember(classInfo, member)) != 0) { switch(ILMemberGetKind(member)) { case IL_META_MEMBERKIND_METHOD: { if(dumpMembers) { DumpMethod(stream, (ILMethod *) member, 8); } /* Get source file of method from debug info */ sourceFile = GetLocation((ILMethod *) member, 0, &line, &col); /* Skip if no debug info or if source file was already added */ if(sourceFile == 0 || ILHashFind(table, sourceFile)) { break; } if(!ILHashAdd(table, (void *)sourceFile)) { error = 1; } } break; } } if(dumpMembers) { Indent(stream, 6); fputs("\n", stream); Indent(stream, 4); fputs("\n", stream); } } /* Dump files in table and clear the table */ Indent(stream, 6); fputs("\n", stream); ILHashIterInit(&iter, table); while((sourceFile = ILHashIterNext(&iter)) != 0) { Indent(stream, 8); fputs("\n", stream); /* Clearing hashtable */ ILHashRemove(table, (void *) sourceFile, 0); } Indent(stream, 6); fputs("\n", stream); /* Dump image xml footer */ Indent(stream, 2); fputs("\n", stream); } /* Output the library footer information */ fputs("\n", stream); } /* * Resume current thread with given runType. Other stopped threads * are resumend with IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_CONTINUE. */ void Resume(ILDebugger *debugger, int runType) { ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info; /* Handle situation after break command */ if(debugger->breakAll) { debugger->breakAll = 0; ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 0); } info = debugger->dbthread; do { if(info->runType == IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED) { /* Set status */ if(info == debugger->dbthread) { info->runType = runType; } else { info->runType = IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_CONTINUE; } /* Resume exec thread if it was suspended */ if(debugger->commandThread) { //fprintf(stderr, "Resuming thread\n"); _ILExecThreadResumeThread(info->execThread, info->execThread->supportThread); } } info = info->next; } while(info); } /* * c command (continue). */ void Continue(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { /* Set run type, report ok and continue execution */ Resume(debugger, IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_CONTINUE); DumpMessage("ok", stream); } void Step(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 1); /* Set run type, report ok and continue execution */ Resume(debugger, IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STEP); DumpMessage("ok", stream); } void Next(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILCallFrame *callerFrame; ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, debugger->dbthread->method); /* Set caller method, that will be used to check agains in DebugHook() */ callerFrame = _ILGetCallFrame(debugger->dbthread->execThread, 1); if(callerFrame) { debugger->dbthread->caller = callerFrame->method; ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, debugger->dbthread->caller); } /* Set run type, report ok and continue execution */ Resume(debugger, IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_NEXT); DumpMessage("ok", stream); } void Until(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { ILCallFrame *callerFrame; ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, debugger->dbthread->method); /* Set caller method, that will be used to check agains in DebugHook() */ callerFrame = _ILGetCallFrame(debugger->dbthread->execThread, 1); if(callerFrame) { debugger->dbthread->caller = callerFrame->method; ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, debugger->dbthread->caller); } /* Set run type, report ok and continue execution */ Resume(debugger, IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_UNTIL); DumpMessage("ok", stream); } /* * dasm command. */ void Dasm(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { #ifdef IL_USE_JIT ILJitFunction func = ILJitFunctionFromILMethod(debugger->dbthread->method); jit_dump_function(stream, func, ILMethod_Name(debugger->dbthread->method)); #else /* TODO: segfaults and dumps just one insn */ _ILDumpCVMInsn(stream, debugger->dbthread->method, debugger->dbthread->execThread->pc); #endif } /* * ildasm command. */ void Ildasm(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { /* TODO we need to link against ildasm ILImage *image; image = ILClassToImage(ILMethod_Owner(debugger->dbthread->method)); ILDAsmDumpMethod(image, stream, debugger->dbthread->method, 0, 0); */ } /* * Table of commands. */ typedef struct { const char *name; int nameSize; int argCount; void (*func)(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream); char *helpName; char *helpMsg; char *desc; } Cmd; static Cmd const commands[] = { { "watch_assembly", 14, 1, WatchAssembly, "watch_assembly [assembly_name]", "Watch assembly.", "By default debugger breaks in every assembly. It can be slow, so you can specify just assemblies you are interested in (debugger will break only in them.)" }, { "watch_method", 12, 2, WatchMethod, "watch_method [method] [class_name]", "Watch method.", "Watch specified method. Supply method name as first argument, optionally type name. TODO and method signature." }, { "unwatch_method", 14, 2, UnwatchMethod, "unwatch_method [method] [class_name]", "Unwatch method.", "Unwatch specified method. Supply method name as first argument, optionally type name. TODO and method signature." }, { "watch_all", 9, 0, WatchAll, "watch_all", "Break after every instruction (watch all).", "Causes to break debugger after every instruction." }, { "unwatch_all", 11, 0, UnwatchAll, "unwatch_all", "Do not break after every instruction (unwatch all).", "Do not break after every instruction." }, { "insert_breakpoint", 17, 2, InsertBreakpoint, "insert_breakpoint [source_file] [line]", "Break when given location is reached.", "Break when given location is reached." }, { "remove_breakpoint", 17, 2, RemoveBreakpoint, "remove_breakpoint [source_file/breakpoint_id] [line]", "Remove breakpoint.", "Remove breakpoint." }, { "toggle_breakpoint", 17, 2, ToggleBreakpoint, "toggle_breakpoint [source_file/breakpoint_id] [line]", "Toggle breakpoint.", "Toggle breakpoint." }, { "break", 5, 0, Break, "break", "Break execution.", "Break execution of all threads." }, { "continue", 8, 0, Continue, "continue", "Continue running your program.", "Continue running your program." }, { "step", 4, 0, Step, "step", "Step (into).", "Step program until it reaches a different source line (steps into functions)." }, { "next", 4, 0, Next, "next", "Next (step over).", "Step program, over function calls." }, { "until", 5, 0, Until, "u", "Until.", "Execute until the program reaches a source line greater than the current." }, /* { "suspend_all", 11, 0, SuspendAll, "suspend_all", "Suspend all running threads.", "Suspend all CLR threads." }, { "resume_all", 10, 0, ResumeAll, "resume_all", "Resume all suspended threads.", "Resume all suspended threads." },*/ { "show_threads", 12, 0, ShowThreads, "show_threads", "List threads stopped in debugger.", "List threads stopped in debugger." }, /* { "show_thread", 11, 0, ShowThread, "show_thread", "Show various info about thread stopped in debugger.", "Show position, locals and stacktrace in current thread." },*/ { "show_breakpoints", 16, 0, ShowBreakpoints, "show_breakpoints", "Show breakpoints.", "Show breakpoints." }, { "show_locals", 11, 0, ShowLocals, "print_locals", "Print local variables.", "Print local variables." }, { "show_position", 13, 0, ShowPosition, "show_position", "Print position where execution stopped.", "Print info about breakpoint where execution stopped." }, { "show_libraries", 14, 1, ShowLibraries, "show_libraries [dump_members]", "Print information about watched assemblies.", "Specify 1 as first parameter to get all members dumped" }, { "stack_trace", 11, 0, ShowStackTrace, "stack_trace", "Print stacktrace for current thread.", "Print stacktrace for current thread." }, { "p", 1, 0, DumpInfo, "p", "Print some information.", "Print some information." }, { "dasm", 4, 0, Dasm, "dasm", "Dissassemble current function in engine's internal format.", "Dissassemble current function in engine's internal format." }, { "ildasm", 6, 0, Ildasm, "ildasm", "Dissassemble current function in IL.", "Dissassemble current function in IL." }, { "help", 4, 0, Help, "help [command]", "Display this information or command help.", "Display this information or command specific help." } }; #define num_commands (sizeof(commands) / sizeof(commands[0])) /* * Check if commands are ok. */ static int CheckCommands() { int i; for(i = 0; i < num_commands; ++i) { /* Compute nameSize if needed */ if(commands[i].nameSize != strlen(commands[i].name)) { fprintf(stderr, "il_debugger: invalid nameSize for command %s\n", commands[i].name); return 0; } if(commands[i].argCount > MAX_ARG_COUNT) { fprintf(stderr, "il_debugger: argument count for command %s exceeded\n", commands[i].name); return 0; } } return 1; } /* * Parse command from input text, set argCount and return command index or error code. * -1 command not found * -2 too many parameters for command */ int ParseCommand(char *text, int textLen) { int i, j; argCount = 0; for(i = 0; i < num_commands; ++i) { /* Text length is too small */ if(textLen < commands[i].nameSize) { continue; } /* Lenghts match */ if(textLen == commands[i].nameSize) { if(strncmp(text, commands[i].name, commands[i].nameSize) == 0) { return i; } continue; } /* Text is longer, check if there is whitespace after command */ if(isspace(text[commands[i].nameSize])) { if(strncmp(text, commands[i].name, commands[i].nameSize) == 0) { if(commands[i].argCount > 0) { /* Parse parameters */ argCount = 0; for(j = commands[i].nameSize; j < textLen; j++) { /* replace whitespace with nul, so that arguments are well terminated */ if(isspace(text[j])) { text[j] = 0; continue; } /* whitespace followed by word */ if(text[j-1] == 0) { args[argCount++] = &text[j]; } } if(argCount > commands[i].argCount) { /* Too many parameters */ return -2; } } return i; } } } return -1; } /* * Parse command from input text and call command function. */ void ParseAndExecuteCommand(ILDebugger *debugger, char *text, int textLen, FILE *outputStream) { int cmdIndex = ParseCommand(text, textLen); if(cmdIndex >= 0) { /* Execute command */ (*(commands[cmdIndex].func))(debugger, outputStream); } else if(cmdIndex == -1) { DumpError("Unknown command", outputStream); } else if(cmdIndex == -2) { DumpError("Too many parameters for command", outputStream); } } /* * Run command loop. */ static void CommandLoop(ILDebugger *debugger) { char *cmd; int nextCommand; do { /* Recieve command */ if(!(debugger->io->recieve(debugger->io))) { debugger->abort = 1; break; } /* Read command text from input stream */ cmd = ReadStream(debugger->io->input); if(cmd == 0) { debugger->abort = 1; break; } /* Dump response header */ fputs("\n", debugger->io->output); /* Lock down the debugger */ LockDebugger(debugger); /* Execute command */ ParseAndExecuteCommand(debugger, cmd, strlen(cmd), debugger->io->output); /* Next command flag - true until debugger is stopped */ nextCommand = (debugger->dbthread->runType == IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED); /* Unlock the debugger */ UnlockDebugger(debugger); /* Dump response footer */ fputs("\n\n", debugger->io->output); /* Free command text, since it was allocated on head */ ILFree(cmd); /* Send response to client */ if(!(debugger->io->send(debugger->io))) { debugger->abort = 1; break; } } while(nextCommand); } /* * Help command. */ static void Help(ILDebugger *debugger, FILE *stream) { int i; char *msg; int size, maxSize; /* Print the help header */ fputs("Usage: command [arguments]\n", stream); fputs("Commands:\n", stream); /* Scan the command table to determine the width of the tab column */ maxSize = 0; for(i = 0; i < num_commands; ++i) { msg = commands[i].helpName; if(!msg) { continue; } size = strlen(msg); if(size > maxSize) { maxSize = size; } } /* Dump the help messages in the command table */ for(i = 0; i < num_commands; ++i) { if(i > 0) { putc('\n', stream); } msg = commands[i].helpName; if(!msg) { continue; } msg = msg; size = 0; fputs(msg, stream); size = strlen(msg); while(size < maxSize) { putc(' ', stream); ++size; } putc(' ', stream); putc(' ', stream); msg = commands[i].helpMsg; fputs(msg, stream); } } /* * Debug hook. */ static int DebugHook(void *userData, ILExecThread *thread, ILMethod *method, ILInt32 offset, int type) { int stop; ILUInt32 line; ILUInt32 col; const char *sourceFile; ILDebugger *debugger; ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info; ILBreakpoint *breakpoint; /* Get debugger attached to thread's process */ debugger = _ILExecThreadProcess(thread)->debugger; /* Dont break in methods whose images are not watched */ if(!IsMethodImageWatched(debugger->assemblyWatches, method)) { return IL_HOOK_CONTINUE; } /* Read current position from debug info */ sourceFile = GetLocation(method, offset, &line, &col); //fprintf(stderr, "DebugHook method=%s offset=%d sourceFile=%s line=%d\n", ILMethod_Name(method), offset, sourceFile, line); /* Continue if no debug info available */ if(sourceFile == 0) { return IL_HOOK_CONTINUE; } /* Lock down the debugger */ LockDebugger(debugger); /* Get or create debugger info about thread */ info = GetDbThreadInfo(debugger, thread); //fprintf(stderr, " run type %d\n", info->runType); if(debugger->breakAll) { /* Always stop when break requested (by break command) */ stop = 1; } else { /* Determine if we should stop */ switch(info->runType) { case IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_CONTINUE: { /* Stop if we have valid breakpoint for this method and offset */ breakpoint = GetBreakpoint(debugger, method, offset); stop = (breakpoint->method != 0); } break; case IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STEP: { /* Stop if current method or location changed */ stop = (info->method != method) || (line != debugger->dbthread->line) || (col != debugger->dbthread->col); /* Remove watch all flag, if stopped */ if(stop) { ILExecProcessWatchAll(debugger->process, 0); } } break; case IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_NEXT: { /* Stop if the same method when location changed or in the caller method. */ if(method == info->method) { stop = ((line != info->line) || (col != info->col)); } else { stop = (method == info->caller); } /* Remove watches, if stopped */ if(stop) { ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, info->method); if(info->caller) { ILExecProcessUnwatchMethod(debugger->process, info->caller); } } } break; case IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_UNTIL: { /* Stop if the same method when location moves further or in the caller method. */ if(method == debugger->dbthread->method) { stop = ((line > info->line) || (col > info->col)); } else { stop = (method == info->caller); } /* Remove watches, if stopped */ if(stop) { ILExecProcessWatchMethod(debugger->process, info->method); if(info->caller) { ILExecProcessUnwatchMethod(debugger->process, info->caller); } } } break; case IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_FINISH: { /* Stop on last instrucion of current method. TODO */ stop = 1; } break; default: { stop = 1; } break; } } //fprintf(stderr, "stopping %d\n", stop); /* Continue execution, if we dont need to stop */ if(!stop) { /* Unlock the debugger */ UnlockDebugger(debugger); return IL_HOOK_CONTINUE; } /* Update information about current exec position */ UpdateDbThreadInfo(info, userData, thread, method, offset, type, sourceFile, line, col); /* Mark thread as stopped */ info->runType = IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED; /* If we are first thread that stopped, make this thread current */ if(debugger->dbthread->runType != IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED) { debugger->dbthread = info; } /* Unlock the debugger */ UnlockDebugger(debugger); /* Check if command loop thread is running (used on systems where threading is available) */ if(debugger->commandThread) { /* Suspend until resumed by continue or step command */ _ILExecThreadSuspendThread(thread, thread->supportThread); //fprintf(stderr, "resumed %d\n", info->runType); } else { /* Do commands in current thread */ CommandLoop(debugger); } /* Return hook result */ if(debugger->abort) { return IL_HOOK_ABORT; } else { return IL_HOOK_CONTINUE; } } /* * Do CommandLoop() until abort is requested. */ static void CommandThreadFn(void *arg) { ILDebugger *debugger = (ILDebugger *) arg; do { CommandLoop(debugger); } while(debugger->abort == 0); } /* * Start command-loop in separate thread and set debugger hook for this purpose. */ int StartCommandThread(ILDebugger *debugger) { if(!ILHasThreads()) { return 0; } /* Create command loop thread */ debugger->commandThread = ILThreadCreate(CommandThreadFn, (void *) debugger); if(debugger->commandThread == 0) { return 0; } /* Start command loop thread */ if(!ILThreadStart(debugger->commandThread)) { ILThreadDestroy(debugger->commandThread); debugger->commandThread = 0; return 0; } return 1; } /* * Startup debugger hook. */ static int StartupDebugHook(void *userData, ILExecThread *thread, ILMethod *method, ILInt32 offset, int type) { ILDebugger *debugger; ILDebuggerThreadInfo *info; if(ILExecProcessDebugHook(_ILExecThreadProcess(thread), DebugHook, 0) == 0) { FatalError("debug hook registration failed"); } /* Cancel watch all flag */ ILExecProcessWatchAll(_ILExecThreadProcess(thread), 0); debugger = _ILExecThreadProcess(thread)->debugger; /* Set, fill and remeber debugger info about this thread */ info = debugger->dbthread = GetDbThreadInfo(debugger, thread); UpdateDbThreadInfo(info, userData, thread, method, offset, type, 0, 0, 0); /* Try to start command loop in new thread, if error fallback to single threaded debugger */ if(StartCommandThread(debugger)) { /* Mark thread as stopped */ info->runType = IL_DEBUGGER_RUN_TYPE_STOPPED; /* Suspend until resumed by continue or step command */ _ILExecThreadSuspendThread(thread, thread->supportThread); } else { CommandLoop(debugger); } /* Return hook result */ if(debugger->abort) { return IL_HOOK_ABORT; } else { return IL_HOOK_CONTINUE; } } /* * Destroy debugger IO. */ static void ILDebuggerIODestroy(ILDebuggerIO *io) { /* Close and destroy implementation specific stuff */ io->close(io); /* Destroy common stuff */ if(io->input) { fclose(io->input); } if(io->output) { fclose(io->output); } ILFree(io); } void ILDebuggerSetIO(ILDebugger *debugger, ILDebuggerIO *io) { debugger->io = io; } int ILDebuggerConnect(ILDebugger *debugger, char *connectionString) { /* Check if custom IO was previously set */ if(debugger->io == 0) { /* Create debugger IO from known connectionString scheme */ debugger->io = (ILDebuggerIO *) ILMalloc(sizeof(ILDebuggerIO)); if(debugger->io == 0) { return 0; } /* * Only supported connection string is tcp://localhost:4571 * so setup members for socket based IO */ debugger->io->open = &SocketIO_Open; debugger->io->close = &SocketIO_Close; debugger->io->recieve = &SocketIO_Recieve; debugger->io->send = &SocketIO_Send; } /* Try to connect to debugger client */ return debugger->io->open(debugger->io, connectionString); } int ILDebuggerIsAttached(ILExecProcess *process) { return process->debugger != 0; } ILDebugger *ILDebuggerFromProcess(ILExecProcess *process) { return process->debugger; } void ILDebuggerDestroy(ILDebugger *debugger) { ILAssemblyWatch *watch; /* Destroy initialized members */ if(debugger->commandThread) { ILThreadDestroy(debugger->commandThread); } if(debugger->lock) { ILMutexDestroy(debugger->lock); } if(debugger->dbthread) { ILDebuggerThreadInfo_Destroy(debugger->dbthread); } while(debugger->assemblyWatches) { watch = debugger->assemblyWatches; debugger->assemblyWatches = debugger->assemblyWatches->next; ILFree(watch); } if(debugger->io) { ILDebuggerIODestroy(debugger->io); } /* Detach debugger from process */ if(debugger->process) { debugger->process->debugger = 0; } ILFree(debugger); } ILDebugger *ILDebuggerCreate(ILExecProcess *process) { ILDebugger *debugger; /* Check if command table is ok - useful for for debuging */ if(!CheckCommands()) { return 0; } /* Allocate and initialize debugger structure */ debugger = (ILDebugger *) ILMalloc(sizeof(ILDebugger)); if(debugger == 0) { return 0; } memset(debugger, 0, sizeof(ILDebugger)); /* Assign reference to exec process */ debugger->process = process; /* Create mutex for locking down debugger */ debugger->lock = ILMutexCreate(); if(!(debugger->lock)) { fprintf(stderr, "il_debugger: failed to create mutex\n"); ILDebuggerDestroy(debugger); return 0; } /* Assembly watch list */ debugger->assemblyWatches = 0; /* Default thread info */ debugger->dbthread = ILDebuggerThreadInfo_Create(); /* Initialize breakpoint list */ debugger->breakpoint = ILBreakpoint_Create(); /* Initialize command thread */ debugger->commandThread = 0; /* Register debug hook function */ if(ILExecProcessDebugHook(process, StartupDebugHook, 0) == 0) { ILDebuggerDestroy(debugger); fprintf(stderr, "il_debugger: the runtime engine does not support debugging.\n"); return 0; } /* This will call DebugHook() * before the first program instruction executes */ ILExecProcessWatchAll(process, 1); /* Attach debugger to process */ process->debugger = debugger; return debugger; }