Now that I had decided to move on from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2, I figured that would be a trivial update. I don’t think that means what I think it does…. :-)
But now 9 tests fail with no change except using the 3.0.2 source instead of the 3.0.0 source. This is new with the simple minor bump in versions.
The whole error list is after the signature. The first error seems to be with a time string function?
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
____________________________ FileNaming.test_suffix ____________________________
self = <testing.unit.test_file_naming.FileNaming testMethod=test_suffix>
def test_suffix(self):
"""Test suffix (encrypt/compressed) encoding and generation"""
> filename = file_naming.get("inc", manifest=1, gzipped=1)
self = <testing.unit.test_file_naming.FileNaming testMethod=test_suffix>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
type = 'inc', volume_number = None, manifest = 1, encrypted = False, gzipped = 1
partial = False
def get(
manifest=False, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
Return duplicity filename of specified type
type can be "full", "inc", "full-sig", "new-sig", "full-stat", "inc-stat". volume_number
can be given with the full and inc types. If manifest is true the
filename is of a full or inc manifest file.
> assert dup_time.curtimestr
E AssertionError
encrypted = False
gzipped = 1
manifest = 1
partial = False
type = 'inc'
volume_number = None
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
______________________ CollectionTest.test_get_olderthan _______________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_get_olderthan>
def test_get_olderthan(self):
"""Test getting list of files older than a certain time"""
cs = self.get_filelist2_cs()
oldsets = cs.get_older_than(dup_time.genstrtotime("2002-05-01T16:17:01-07:00"))
oldset_times = [s.get_time() for s in oldsets]
right_times = [dup_time.genstrtotime("2001-01-01T16:17:01-07:00")]
> assert oldset_times == right_times, [oldset_times, right_times]
E AssertionError: [[], [978391021]]
E assert [] == [978391021]
E Right contains one more item: 978391021
E Full diff:
E - [978391021]
E + []
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1102d7eb0>
oldset_times = []
oldsets = []
right_times = [978391021]
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_get_olderthan>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
____________________ CollectionTest.test_collections_status ____________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_collections_status>
def test_collections_status(self):
"""Test CollectionStatus object's set_values()"""
def check_cs(cs):
"""Check values of collections status"""
assert cs.values_set
assert cs.matched_chain_pair
assert cs.matched_chain_pair[0].end_time == 1029826800
assert len(cs.all_backup_chains) == 1, cs.all_backup_chains
cs = dup_collections.CollectionsStatus(self.real_backend, config.archive_dir_path, "full").set_values()
> check_cs(cs)
check_cs = <function CollectionTest.test_collections_status.<locals>.check_cs at 0x11049e7a0>
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1102d6c80>
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_collections_status>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1102d6c80>
def check_cs(cs):
"""Check values of collections status"""
assert cs.values_set
> assert cs.matched_chain_pair
E assert None
E + where None = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1102d6c80>.matched_chain_pair
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1102d6c80>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
______________________ CollectionTest.test_get_extraneous ______________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_get_extraneous>
def test_get_extraneous(self):
"""Test the listing of extraneous files"""
cs = self.get_filelist2_cs()
> assert len(cs.orphaned_backup_sets) == 1, cs.orphaned_backup_sets
E AssertionError: []
E assert 0 == 1
E + where 0 = len([])
E + where [] = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x11023e740>.orphaned_backup_sets
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x11023e740>
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_get_extraneous>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
_______________________ CollectionTest.test_sig_chains2 ________________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains2>
def test_sig_chains2(self):
"""Test making signature chains from filename list on backend"""
cs = dup_collections.CollectionsStatus(self.archive_dir_backend, config.archive_dir_path, "full")
chains, orphaned_paths = cs.get_signature_chains(local=None)
> self.sig_chains_helper(chains, orphaned_paths)
chains = []
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x10fb3e3e0>
orphaned_paths = []
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains2>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains2>
chains = [], orphaned_paths = []
def sig_chains_helper(self, chains, orphaned_paths):
"""Test chains and orphaned_paths values for two above tests"""
if orphaned_paths:
for op in orphaned_paths:
assert 0
> assert len(chains) == 1, chains
E AssertionError: []
E assert 0 == 1
E + where 0 = len([])
chains = []
orphaned_paths = []
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains2>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
________________________ CollectionTest.test_sig_chain _________________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chain>
def test_sig_chain(self):
"""Test a single signature chain"""
chain = dup_collections.SignatureChain(1, config.archive_dir_path)
for filename in local_sigchain_filename_list:
> assert chain.add_filename(filename)
E AssertionError: assert None
E + where None = <bound method SignatureChain.add_filename of <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x11023ceb0>>(b'duplicity-full-signatures.2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00.sigtar.gz')
E + where <bound method SignatureChain.add_filename of <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x11023ceb0>> = <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x11023ceb0>.add_filename
chain = <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x11023ceb0>
filename = b'duplicity-full-signatures.2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00.sigtar.gz'
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chain>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
________________________ CollectionTest.test_sig_chains ________________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains>
def test_sig_chains(self):
"""Test making signature chains from filename list"""
cs = dup_collections.CollectionsStatus(None, config.archive_dir_path, "full")
chains, orphaned_paths = cs.get_signature_chains(local=1)
> self.sig_chains_helper(chains, orphaned_paths)
chains = []
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x10fb3d7b0>
orphaned_paths = []
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains>
chains = [], orphaned_paths = []
def sig_chains_helper(self, chains, orphaned_paths):
"""Test chains and orphaned_paths values for two above tests"""
if orphaned_paths:
for op in orphaned_paths:
assert 0
> assert len(chains) == 1, chains
E AssertionError: []
E assert 0 == 1
E + where 0 = len([])
chains = []
orphaned_paths = []
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sig_chains>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
_____________________ CollectionTest.test_sigchain_fileobj _____________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sigchain_fileobj>
def test_sigchain_fileobj(self):
"""Test getting signature chain fileobjs from archive_dir_path"""
> self.sigchain_fileobj_check_list(self.sigchain_fileobj_get(1))
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sigchain_fileobj>
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sigchain_fileobj>
local = 1
def sigchain_fileobj_get(self, local):
"""Return chain, local if local is true with filenames added"""
if local:
chain = dup_collections.SignatureChain(1, config.archive_dir_path)
for filename in local_sigchain_filename_list:
> assert chain.add_filename(filename)
E AssertionError: assert None
E + where None = <bound method SignatureChain.add_filename of <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x10fb3f4c0>>(b'duplicity-full-signatures.2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00.sigtar.gz')
E + where <bound method SignatureChain.add_filename of <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x10fb3f4c0>> = <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x10fb3f4c0>.add_filename
chain = <duplicity.dup_collections.SignatureChain object at 0x10fb3f4c0>
filename = b'duplicity-full-signatures.2002-08-17T16:17:01-07:00.sigtar.gz'
local = 1
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_sigchain_fileobj>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError
______________________ CollectionTest.test_backup_chains _______________________
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_backup_chains>
def test_backup_chains(self):
"""Test basic backup chain construction"""
cs = dup_collections.CollectionsStatus(None, config.archive_dir_path, "full")
chains, orphaned, incomplete = cs.get_backup_chains(filename_list1)
if len(chains) != 1 or len(orphaned) != 0:
> assert 0
E assert 0
chains = []
cs = <duplicity.dup_collections.CollectionsStatus object at 0x1101ac5b0>
incomplete = []
orphaned = []
self = <testing.unit.test_collections.CollectionTest testMethod=test_backup_chains>
/opt/sw/src/ AssertionError