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bug#61214: closed ([PATCH guix-artwork] website: posts: Add Dissecting G

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Subject: bug#61214: closed ([PATCH guix-artwork] website: posts: Add Dissecting Guix, Part 2: The Store Monad.)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 21:27:02 +0000

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--- Begin Message --- Subject: [PATCH guix-artwork] website: posts: Add Dissecting Guix, Part 2: The Store Monad. Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2023 17:28:21 +0000
* website/posts/dissecting-guix-2-store-monad.md: New blog post.
Heya Guix!

At long last, the second Dissecting Guix is complete :)

This one is about monads, the Guix monad API, and the %STORE-MONAD.  Hopefully
it's not too confusing, but if you find it hard to follow, please let me know!

  -- (

 .../posts/dissecting-guix-2-store-monad.md    | 498 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 498 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 website/posts/dissecting-guix-2-store-monad.md

diff --git a/website/posts/dissecting-guix-2-store-monad.md 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83f2e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/posts/dissecting-guix-2-store-monad.md
@@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
+title: Dissecting Guix, Part 2: The Store Monad
+date: TBC
+author: (
+tags: Dissecting Guix, Functional package management, Programming interfaces, 
Scheme API
+Hello again!
+In [the last 
+we briefly mentioned the `with-store` and `run-with-store` APIs.  Today, we'll
+be looking at those in further detail, along with the related monad API and the
+Monads are a little hard to explain, and from a distance, they seem more than a
+bit confusing.  So, I want you to erase monads from your mind for now.  We'll
+come back to them later.
+# Yes, No, Maybe So
+Let's instead implement another M of functional programming, _`maybe`_ values,
+representing a value that may or may not exist.  `maybe` is a very common
+feature of strongly-typed functional languages, and you'll see it all over the
+place in Haskell and OCaml code. However, Guile is not strongly typed, so we
+usually use ad-hoc `#f`s and `'()`s for null values instead of a proper
+"optional" value.
+Just for fun, though, we'll implement a proper `maybe` in Guile.  Fire up that
+REPL once again, and let's import a bunch of modules that we'll need:
+(use-modules (ice-9 match)
+             (srfi srfi-9))
+We'll implement `maybe` as a record with two fields, `is?` and `value`.  If the
+value contains something, `is?` will be `#t` and `value` will contain the thing
+in question, and if it's empty, `is?`'ll be `#f`.
+(define-record-type <maybe>
+  (make-maybe is? value)
+  maybe?
+  (is? maybe-is?)
+  (value maybe-value))
+Now we'll define constructors for the two possible states:
+(define (something value)
+  (make-maybe #t value))
+(define (nothing)
+  (make-maybe #f #f))
+And make some silly functions that return optional values:
+(define (remove-a str)
+  (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\a)
+      (something (substring str 1))
+      (nothing)))
+(define (remove-b str)
+  (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\b)
+      (something (substring str 1))
+      (nothing)))
+(remove-a "ahh")
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "hh">
+(remove-a "ooh")
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #f value: #f>
+(remove-b "bad")
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "ad">
+But what if we want to compose the results of these functions?
+# Keeping Your Composure
+As you might have guessed, this is not fun.  Cosplaying as a compiler backend
+typically isn't.
+(let ((t1 (remove-a "abcd")))
+  (if (maybe-is? t1)
+      (remove-b (maybe-value t1))
+      (nothing)))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "cd">
+(let ((t1 (remove-a "bbcd")))
+  (if (maybe-is? t1)
+      (remove-b (maybe-value t1))
+      (nothing)))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #f value: #f>
+I can almost hear the heckling.  Even worse, chaining three:
+(let* ((t1 (remove-a "abad"))
+       (t2 (if (maybe-is? t1)
+               (remove-b (maybe-value t1))
+               (nothing))))
+  (if (maybe-is? t2)
+      (remove-a (maybe-value t2))
+      (nothing)))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "d">
+So, how do we go about making this more bearable?  Well, one way could be to
+make `remove-a` and `remove-b` accept `maybe`s:
+(define (remove-a ?str)
+  (if (maybe-is? ?str)
+      (let ((str (maybe-value ?str)))
+        (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\a)
+            (something (substring str 1))
+            (nothing)))
+      (nothing)))
+(define (remove-b ?str)
+  (if (maybe-is? ?str)
+      (let ((str (maybe-value ?str)))
+        (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\b)
+            (something (substring str 1))
+            (nothing)))
+      (nothing)))
+Not at all pretty, but it works!
+(remove-b (remove-a (something "abc")))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "c">
+Still, our procedures now require quite a bit of boilerplate.  Might there be a
+better way?
+# The Ties That `>>=` Us
+First of all, we'll revert to our original definitions of `remove-a` and
+`remove-b`, that is to say, the ones that take a regular value and return a
+(define (remove-a str)
+  (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\a)
+      (something (substring str 1))
+      (nothing)))
+(define (remove-b str)
+  (if (eq? (string-ref str 0) #\b)
+      (something (substring str 1))
+      (nothing)))
+What if tried introducing higher-order procedures (procedures that accept other
+procedures as arguments) into the equation?  Because we're functional
+programmers and we're somewhat obsessed with that kind of thing.
+(define (maybe-chain maybe proc)
+  (if (maybe-is? maybe)
+      (proc (maybe-value maybe))
+      (nothing)))
+(maybe-chain (something "abc")
+             remove-a)
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "bc">
+(maybe-chain (nothing)
+             remove-a)
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #f value: #f>
+It lives!  To make it easier to chain procedures like this, we'll define a 
+that allows us to perform any number of sequenced operations with only one
+chaining form:
+(define-syntax maybe-chain*
+  (syntax-rules ()
+    ((_ maybe proc)
+     (maybe-chain maybe proc))
+    ((_ maybe proc rest ...)
+     (maybe-chain* (maybe-chain maybe proc)
+                   rest ...))))
+(maybe-chain* (something "abad")
+              remove-a
+              remove-b
+              remove-a)
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "d">
+Congratulations, you've reinvented `bind`, commonly written as the `>>=`
+operator.  And it turns out that a monadic type is just a container type that
+can be used with `>>=`!
+# New Wheel, Old Wheel
+Now that we've reinvented the wheel, we'd better learn to use the original
+wheel.  Guix provides a generic, high-level monads API, along with three 
+though `maybe` is not one of them, so let's integrate it into the Guix monad
+First we'll make the API available:
+(use-modules (guix monads))
+To define a monad's API in Guix, we simply use the `define-monad` macro, and
+provide two procedures: `bind`, and `return`.
+(define-monad %maybe-monad
+  (bind maybe-chain)
+  (return something))
+`bind` is just the procedure that we use to chain monadic procedure calls
+together, and `return` is a procedure that takes a non-monadic value and wraps
+it up in the most basic form possible of the monad.
+Now we can use the `with-monad` macro to tell Guix to use this specific `bind`
+and `return`, and the `>>=` macro to thread monads through procedure calls!
+(with-monad %maybe-monad
+  (>>= (something "aabbc")
+       remove-a
+       remove-a
+       remove-b
+       remove-b))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "c">
+We can also now use `return`:
+(with-monad %maybe-monad
+  (return 32))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: 32>
+But Guix provides many higher-level APIs than `>>=` and `return`, as we will
+see.  There's `mbegin`, which evaluates monadic expressions without binding 
+to symbols, returning the last one:
+(mbegin %maybe-monad
+  (remove-a "abc"))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "bc">
+And there's `mlet` and `mlet*`, which can bind them, and is essentially
+equivalent to a chain of `(>>= MEXPR (lambda (BINDING) ...))`:
+(mlet* %maybe-monad ((str -> "abad") ;non-monadic binding uses the -> symbol
+                     (str1 (remove-a str))
+                     (str2 (remove-b str)))
+  (remove-a str))
+;; #<<maybe> is?: #t value: "d">
+Various abstractions over these two exist too, such as `mwhen` (a `when` plus 
+`mbegin`), `munless` (an `unless` plus an `mbegin`), and `mparameterize`
+(dynamically-scoped value rebinding, like `parameterize`, in a monadic 
+`lift` takes a procedure and a monad and creates a new procedure that returns
+a monadic value.
+There are also APIs for manipulating lists wrapped in monads; `mlist` creates
+such a list, `anym` is a monadic `any`, `sequence` turns a list of monads into 
+monadic list, `mapm` is a monadic `map`, and `foldm` is a monadic `fold`.
+This is all well and good, you may be thinking, but why does Guix need a monad
+API?  The answer is technically that it doesn't.  But building on the monad API
+makes a lot of things much easier, and to learn why, we're going to look at one
+of Guix's built-in monads.
+# In a State
+Guix implements a monad called `%state-monad`, and it works with 
+procedures returning two values.  Behold:
+(with-monad %state-monad
+  (return 33))
+;; #<procedure 21dc9a0 at <unknown port>:1106:22 (state)>
+The `run-with-state` value turns this procedure into an actually useful value,
+or, rather, two values:
+(run-with-state (with-monad %state-monad (return 33))
+  (list "foo" "bar" "baz"))
+;; 33
+;; ("foo" "bar" "baz")
+What can this actually do for us, though? Well, it gets interesting if we do
+some `>>=`ing:
+(define state-seq
+  (mlet* ((number (return 33)))
+    (state-push number)))
+;; #<procedure 7fcb6f466960 at <unknown port>:1484:24 (state)>
+(run-with-state state-seq (list 32))
+;; (32)
+;; (33 32)
+(run-with-state state-seq (list 30 99))
+;; (30 99)
+;; (33 30 99)
+What is `state-push`?  It's a monadic procedure for `%state-monad` that takes
+whatever's currently in the first value (the primary value) and pushes it onto
+the second value (the state value), which is assumed to be a list, returning 
+old state value as the primary value and the new list as the state value.
+So, when we do `(run-with-state result (list 32))`, we're passing `(list 32)` 
+the initial state value, and then the `>>=` form passes that and `33` to
+`state-push`.  What `%state-monad` allows us to do is thread together some
+procedures that require some kind of state, while pretending the state isn't
+there, and then retrieve both the final state and the result at the end!
+If you're a bit confused, don't worry.  We'll write some of our own
+`%state-monad`-based monadic procedures and hopefully all will become clear.
+(define (fibonacci-thing value)
+  (lambda (state)
+    (values (+ value state)
+            value)))
+    (mlet* %state-monad ((starting (return 1))
+                         (n1 (fibonacci-thing starting))
+                         (n2 (fibonacci-thing n1)))
+      (fibonacci-thing n2))
+  0)
+;; 3
+;; 2
+    (mlet* %state-monad ((starting (return 1))
+                         (n1 (fibonacci-thing starting))
+                         (n2 (fibonacci-thing n1))
+                         (n3 (fibonacci-thing n2))
+                         (n4 (fibonacci-thing n3))
+                         (n5 (fibonacci-thing n4)))
+      (fibonacci-thing n5))
+  0)
+;; 13
+;; 8
+The `fibonacci-thing` monadic procedure takes the number passed, makes it the
+current state, and outputs the sum of the state and the number passed.  This
+gives us a sort of Fibonacci-sequence-like behaviour, where the next number in
+the sequence is given by the sum of the two before.
+This is all very nifty, and possibly useful in general, but what does this have
+to do with Guix?  Well, many Guix store-based operations are meant to be used
+in concert with yet another monad, called the `%store-monad`.  But if we look 
+`(guix store)`, where `%store-monad` is defined...
+(define-alias %store-monad %state-monad)
+(define-alias store-return state-return)
+(define-alias store-bind state-bind)
+It was all a shallow façade!  All the "store monad" is is a special case of the
+state monad, where a value representing the store is passed as the state value.
+# Lies, Damned Lies, and Abstractions
+We mentioned that, technically, we didn't need monads for Guix.  Indeed, many
+(now deprecated) procedures take a store value as the argument:
+(use-modules (guix derivations)
+             (guix store))
+(with-store store ;remember this?
+  (build-expression->derivation store NAME EXPRESSION ...))
+This procedure, being deprecated, should never of course be used.  For one
+thing, it uses the "quoted build expression" style, rather than gexps, which we
+will discuss another time.  The best way to create a derivation from some basic
+build code is to use the new-fangled `gexp->derivation` procedure, which 
+to be monadic!
+(use-modules (guix gexp)
+             (gnu packages irc))
+(define symlink-irssi
+  (gexp->derivation "link-to-irssi"
+    #~(symlink #$(file-append irssi "/bin/irssi") #$output)))
+;; #<procedure 7fddcc7b81e0 at guix/gexp.scm:1180:2 (state)>
+You don't have to understand the `#~(...)` form yet, only everything 
+it.  We can see that this `gexp->derivation` returns a procedure taking the
+initial state (store), just like our `%state-monad` procedures did.  And to 
+this initial state, we used `run-with-state`.  The equivalent for working with
+the store is our old friend `run-with-store`!
+(define symlink-irssi-drv
+  (with-store store
+    (run-with-store store
+      symlink-irssi)))
+;; #<derivation /gnu/store/q7kwwl4z6psifnv4di1p1kpvlx06fmyq-link-to-irssi.drv 
=> /gnu/store/6a94niigx4ii0ldjdy33wx9anhifr25x-link-to-irssi 7fddb7ef52d0>
+Let's just check this derivation is as expected by reading the code from the
+builder script.
+(define symlink-irssi-builder
+  (list-ref (derivation-builder-arguments symlink-irssi-drv) 1))
+(call-with-input-file symlink-irssi-builder
+  (lambda (port)
+    (read port)))
+;; (symlink
+;;  "/gnu/store/hrlmypx1lrdjlxpkqy88bfrzg5p0bn6d-irssi-1.4.3/bin/irssi"
+;;  ((@ (guile) getenv) "out"))
+And indeed, it symlinks the `irssi` binary to the output path.  Some other,
+higher-level, monadic procedures include `interned-file`, which copies a file
+from outside the store into it, and `text-file`, which copies some text into 
+Generally, these procedures aren't used, as there are higher-level procedures
+that perform similar functions (which we will discuss later), but for the sake
+of this blog post, here's an example:
+(with-store store
+  (run-with-store store
+    (text-file "unmatched-paren"
+      "( <paren@disroot.org>")))
+;; "/gnu/store/v6smacxvdk4yvaa3s3wmd54lixn1dp3y-unmatched-paren"
+# Conclusion
+What have we learned about monads?  The key points we can take away are:
+1. Monads are a way of chaining together procedures and values that are wrapped
+   in containers that give them extra context, like `maybe` values.
+2. Guix provides a high-level monad API that compensates for Guile's lack of
+   strong types or an interface-like system.
+3. This API provides the state monad, which allows you to thread state through
+   procedures such that you can pretend it doesn't exist.
+4. Guix uses the store monad frequently to thread a store connection through
+   procedures that need it.
+5. The store monad is really just the state monad in disguise, where the state
+   value is used to thread the store object through monadic procedures.
+If you've read this post in its entirety but still don't yet quite get it, 
+worry.  Try to modify and tinker about with the examples, and hopefully it will
+all click eventually!
+#### About GNU Guix
+[GNU Guix](https://guix.gnu.org) is a transactional package manager and
+an advanced distribution of the GNU system that [respects user
+Guix can be used on top of any system running the Hurd or the Linux
+kernel, or it can be used as a standalone operating system distribution
+for i686, x86_64, ARMv7, AArch64 and POWER9 machines.
+In addition to standard package management features, Guix supports
+transactional upgrades and roll-backs, unprivileged package management,
+per-user profiles, and garbage collection.  When used as a standalone
+GNU/Linux distribution, Guix offers a declarative, stateless approach to
+operating system configuration management.  Guix is highly customizable
+and hackable through [Guile](https://www.gnu.org/software/guile)
+programming interfaces and extensions to the
+[Scheme](http://schemers.org) language.

base-commit: fe113595b6f7d8a1e1a0b814521f02783f9209c3

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: [bug#61214] [PATCH guix-artwork v6] website: posts: Add Dissecting Guix, Part 2: The Store Monad. Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2023 22:23:12 +0100

As promised in #guix — and because I think it's ready; any further suggestions can still be addressed if needed — I've pushed this upstream.

Thanks for all the effort you've put in so far, and thanks to everyone who contributed.

I've really enjoyed this series so far and look forward to the next installment.



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--- End Message ---

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