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Re: edebug specs for cl-loop

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: edebug specs for cl-loop
Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2012 11:11:18 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

> loop understand this but not edebug: (Note where the for rand2 line is now)

>         for alphaindex = (random* (length alph))
>         collect rand1 into ls
>         for rand2 = (aref alph alphaindex)
>         collect rand2 into ls

By "edebug" which edebug-spec do you mean: the simple default (&rest &or
symbolp form) or the complex one?  AFAICT, the simple default should
handle the above just fine, right?

> loop understand this but not edebug: (note where the while line is now)

>           with len = (length (window-list))
>           for count from 1
>           while (< count len)
>           for w1 = (iter-next wlist)
>           for b1 = (window-buffer w1)
>           for s1 = (window-start w1)
>           for w2 = (iter-next wlist)
>           for b2 = (window-buffer w2)
>           for s2 = (window-start w2)
> Both give same result.

Here as well, the simple default spec should handle this just fine.


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