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Re: Usefulness of (t nil) as the last sexp in (cond ...) constructs?

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: Usefulness of (t nil) as the last sexp in (cond ...) constructs?
Date: Sun, 19 Aug 2012 13:29:52 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2 (gnu/linux)

Bastien writes:
> There are many places in *.el elisp files where we have this construct
> (cond (...)
>       (...)
>       (t nil))
> My understanding is that (t nil) is useless, since the ̀t' condition 
> is only tested if other conditions are `nil'.
> What is the purpose of (t nil)?

It's a nice (redundant) reminder that "if none of the other conditions
is true, this form returns nil".

> Can we safely remove it?

I don't know if any checkers rely on it.  I'd expect it is optimized
away when the byte-compiler gets to it anyway, so why would you want to
remove it?

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