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Re: GNU ELPA visibility

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: GNU ELPA visibility
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 01:47:33 +0400
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On 26.10.2012 1:34, Drew Adams wrote:
  > I vote for including more by default in `package-archives'.
  > In particular, include ("melpa" .
  > "http://melpa.milkbox.net/packages/";).  That might not be
  > the blessed, "canonical" archive site, but it is certainly
  > one of the most used and most useful.

Maybe after they implement the feature "stable packages from tags"?

You'll have to take that up with Milkypostman.  I know nothing about it.

You could have checked the issue tracker:

It really is the most useful repository, though. And the only
one still actively maintained, among alternative repos.

AFAIK, it also has the advantage of being automatically updated from its
upstream sources.  That's a great feature.

I imagine that automatic updating is configurable on MELPA (i.e., you can turn

You can choose not to upgrade at any given point in time, but the repository always shows the latest, so to speak, "nightly" versions.

it off (?)), but is that feature even available for GNU Elpa?

AFAIK, ELPA just builds off a single branch in a single repository. That's automatic, but for each package where Emacs Bazaar repo is not the canonical source, the changes need to pushed to it manually.

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