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Re: Contributing

From: Xue Fuqiao
Subject: Re: Contributing
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 08:52:29 +0800

On Mon, 28 Jan 2013 00:34:27 +0530
Jambunathan K <address@hidden> wrote:

> 1. Pick up some Elisp and CL.  Emacs comes with the following info
>    manuals.
>         * Emacs Lisp Intro: (eintr).  A simple introduction to Emacs
>           Lisp programming.
>         * CL: (cl).  Partial Common Lisp support for Emacs Lisp.
> 2. Elisp cookbook is a good resource.
>         http://emacswiki.org/emacs/ElispCookbook
> 3. For a quick list of good-to-know APIs see
>         http://wikemacs.org/wiki/Emacs_Lisp_Cheat_Sheet
>    The page is badly formatted but good.
> 4. Build Emacs from Bzr trunk and use it for your day to day use.
>    Sooner or later you may run in to some issues and you can take that
>    opportunity to complain.
>         http://emacswiki.org/emacs/BzrForEmacsDevs

Apart from those resources, there are also some other useful resources:

1. GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
(info "(elisp) Top")

2. CC Mode.  It helps you edit Emacs source files containing C code.
(info "(ccmode) Top")

3. The Emacs Widget Library.  All customization types are implemented as 
(info "(widget) Top")

4. GNU build system.  It helps Emacs developers make Emacs source code portable 
to many Unix-like systems.

5. GNU coding standards.  Though it focuses on writing free software in C, much 
of it can be applied more generally.

6. Bazaar User Reference.  Even if you have write access to the bzr repository, 
it is very useful.

7. GDB User Manual.  Although Emacs can be debugged with Microsoft Visual C++ 
and other debuggers, GDB is recommended.

8. GTK+ 3 Reference Manual, since GTK+ is the default X toolkit in GNU Emacs.


Best regards, Xue Fuqiao.

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