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GNU Elpa and Emacs 25.3

From: Paul Pogonyshev
Subject: GNU Elpa and Emacs 25.3
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 15:54:50 +0100

I cannot access GNU ELPA archive with Emacs 25.3.  Here is a shell
command I created for testing:

    emacs-25.3 --batch --eval "(let ((debug-on-error t)
(package-user-dir \"/tmp/elpa\") \
                                     (package-archives '((\"gnu\" .
\"https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/\";)))) \
                                 (when (file-exists-p
package-user-dir) (delete-directory package-user-dir t)) \
                                 (package-initialize) \

It fails with

    (file-error "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/archive-contents"; "Bad Request")

for me.  Also fails if I replace "https" with "http" in the command,
though with a different error.

For comparison all of this works fine:

* The command with different Emacs version: 24.5, 26.3 and 28.0.50

* The command after replacing "https" with "http" with different Emacs
  version: 24.5, 26.3 and 28.0.50 (trunk).

* Any Emacs version I have, _including_ 25.3, if I replace archive
  with "https://melpa.org/packages/"; (also with "http" instead of

In other words, it only fails with Emacs 25.3 and GNU ELPA for me.

Can someone verify this?  Does someone know what's going on?


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