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Re: esup byte compile warnings

From: Serghei Iakovlev
Subject: Re: esup byte compile warnings
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 14:42:04 +0000

> Oh, I think it's because of
>    (let ((load-path (append load-path (list esup-load-path))))
>      (require 'esup-child))

Good catch!  Thank you.  Actually I planned to remove this earlier
but didn't noticed this relation.

> PS: While I'm here I noticed:
>    (eval-when-compile
>      (if (and (<= emacs-major-version 24)
>               (<= emacs-minor-version 3))
>          (require 'cl)
>        (require 'cl-lib)))
> which makes no sense: those two libraries provide the same *kind* of
> functionality, but under completely different names.  The rest of the
> code uses things like `cl-loop`, so you need to (require 'cl-lib)
> because that's what the code uses.  In Emacs<24.4, `cl-lib` will itself
> load `cl` (because it uses it internally, but that's an implementation
> detail).

Yes, this is fixed in the separated branch (‘byte-war’) which I have
not yet merged into master.

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